Alpha Venari


Introducing Alpha Venari, a zero mana Legendary summoner, with the ability to take all abilities from monsters in your line-up and apply those abilities to all monsters. She also allows you to play monsters from any and all Splinters at once. The drawback: you can only play monsters with "Venari" in the card name, which is currently only 5 cards.

Before we go any further, please note this is a fan created fantasy card.

Essentially, "Alpha Venari" is the birth of a creature type Venari Splinter, specific to this card and this race of creatures. When you select this summoner you can then play with only the Venari race, Wavesmith, Seedsmith, Will Smith, Bonesmith, Heatsmith and Crystalsmith. However, we could potentially be seeing ore from this rat race in the future, which could lengthen the possibilities.

Even at Level 1, all of the Venari provide one extremely useful ability and they overlap in powerful ways (self heal, scavenge, tank heal, life leech, and protect). Yet imagine when you have mid-levels or maxed level Venari, then the abilities start compounding to make Alpha Venari's toolbox quite impressive.

I came up with Alpha Venari a few days ago when brainstorming cards we might see in Chaos Legion, and I was also trying to think outside the box. I love the current cycle of rat-like Venari creature cards in the current rewards pool, and I predicted we may see some synergetic or lore based continuation of this race of creatures. Obviously, they already created one Venari for each of the five splinters and I started wondering how cool it would be to use them together and began dreaming up a card that could make that happen. Welcome to the Queen of the Venari: Alpha Venari

**What kind of cards/mechanics and abilities do you predict to see for the Choas Legion set? I have a pretty long list of predictions, and I would love to hear yours. **

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