Am I Crazy For Buying These Packs?

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Lets be honest, not too many people read my blog, but for those that do... I need your help. Am I crazy for buying Tower Defense Packs for under $2.75 each?

Now I'm not trying to push the price... I bought 60 packs... so nothing too crazy, but I think these are going up.

In the last town hall, they said that the beta would be out soon. Like a couple of weeks soon... but these packs sit on Hive Engine for less than $2.75. I can't help but think the price will go up when people can actually play the game.

Am I crazy? The price just seems too low with the new information about the beta release.

These are not a pure spec buy, I'm getting about 6 SPS a day for holding. That's not bad.

I am also interested to see what the game looks like. If it is fun and people like playing it, then the alpha packs for Tower Defense will start selling again.

I'm not looking to make a killing. If I can sell around 40 and get back my investment and use the rest to open and play... I will consider that a win.

What do you all think? Am I crazy?

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