Splinterlands EOS: Why I've rented 60 Rusty Androids! [Better than the Peakmonsters' auto-bids?!]

Rusty Android (Cover).jpg

Better than the Peakmonsters' auto-bids?!

At the End Of Season (EOS), the rental market goes crazy as usual. On Peakmonsters, there are currently active bids at 70CP/DEC for 1k power.

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But, why has no one noticed this quirk that allows us (players) to do just a little bit better than the auto-bid of Peakmonsters at the end of the season?

The trick presented in this post is only good enough if you just need a bit more power to jump to the next league. Renting your entire Collection Power (CP) this way isn't really a viable option.

It's not a bug, it's a feature

A few hours ago, I got one of my rentals cancelled (that's fair game, I am not complaining here), which sent me from Gold III to Silver II.

To make it back to Silver I, I just needed a little less than 1k power. I started looking through the Peakmonsters auto-bid system and noticed those 70CP/DEC bids.

This was when I recalled renting Rusty Android in Bronze back in the day to counter Alric. I haven't gotten this card since then, but I was pretty sure its rate was better than the 70CP/DEC.

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As a matter of fact, those old Common Reward Cards give 15 CP each for a cost of 0.1DEC/day, which is equivalent to a rate of 150CP/DEC. This is actually twice better than the auto-bid.

So why do those bids don't automatically rent all those "cheap" cards? My guess is that it would require too many Resource Credits (RC) to the system.

Resource Credits

The pain point of this trick is not having enough Resource Credits to proceed to all those transactions. Consequently, the issue is you might risk being out of RC before completing all your rentals.

Nevertheless, if you only need a few thousand CP, let's say 1 to 5k, you should be able to rely on this little trick. You can check your level of Resource Credits at the following link:

Note: Simply replace "steemmonsters" with your in-game name.

I hope this little tip will be helpful for the small players out there who just need a bit more power to get better EOS Rewards.

Wish you the best of luck!


For new players interested in joining this amazing game, you can support me by using the following referral link (at no extra cost to you!):


Thank you.

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