My FIRST MONTH of blogging on Splintertalk. What to expect for new bloggers! [EARNINGS BREAKDOWN]


This is a follow-up on the aftermath I wrote when I was a week into blogging. Having been posting for an entire month now, it is time again for a bit of reflection on my journey so far.

Comparison Table

After a weekAfter a monthVariation

Gross Pay

TOTAL (in dollars):$163.28
Splintertalk:6785.97 SPT (~$20.15)
PeakD:106.56 HBD (~$108.96)
1Up:977.49 OneUp (~$34.17)

Remark: The amounts in dollars are rough estimates as they might fluctuate from day-to-day. 50% of the gains actually go to the curators. The other 50% is the Net Pay, which is half liquid/half staked.

Side note: These stats do not take into account my last two posts as they were posted after the 30-day mark.

My most upvoted post so far

Reaching GOLD III for the first time! [From NOVICE to GOLD in 99 days]

from novice to gold (cover).jpeg

Upvotes: 332

Special Shout-outs / Thank you(s)!

Special shout-outs to a few people who have been regularly supporting me with upvotes and kindness! I have not taken the time to thank them properly, so here we go:

  • @azircon's generous upvotes have represented a good share of my first month's earnings.
  • @captainquack22 has been quietly upvoting most of my posts on a regular basis.
  • @alexko-steemit upvoted my very first few posts, which gave me the motivation to keep it up.
  • @shaddrak's generous upvotes have represented most of my OneUp tokens.
  • @bteim was one of the first people to comment and give encouraging words.
  • @globalwarming has been featuring my posts on a regular basis.

Unfortunately, I can't name all of the people who have been supporting me and I apologize for it! Thank you to you all!

Two other names that popped up


@bulldog1205 | Bulldog's YouTube videos have been an integral part of building my understanding of the entire Splinterlands ecosystem. Having received a few upvotes from him actually meant a lot to me. His videos helped me create my own path in that game as a newcomer.


@nateaguila | Being a follower of the Town Halls since I started the game, I usually hear about the progress made by the creative team through Nate Aguila. His upvotes were in that sense special. It was like a small recognition from a major member of the development team.

Organic growth: Good news for new bloggers!

I don't advertise or repost on any other social media platforms as I don't really have a presence anywhere else than in the Splinterlands' ecosystem.

I believe this is good news for new bloggers who like me would like to start writing but are not sure if they would be able to attract enough readers.

The community is active and receptive as long as we provide value through our articles. Posting on a regular basis also keeps us accountable.

Moreover, besides the potential earnings, writing about our journey is actually a fun way of keeping track of our progression within the game.

Finally, I hope you found this breakdown of my first month's earnings insightful in some ways.

See you in the next post!


For new players interested in joining this amazing game, you can support me by using the following referral link (at no extra cost to you!):

Thank you.

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