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My 300th Giveaway : Win an Epic SPIRIT SHAMAN,1 Booster Pack , and 1000 DEC.


We made it, giveaway 300 is here and today there will be seven winners in total. This is what you can win. Three Winners will receive 300 DEC each. Two winners will receive 50 DEC each as runner up winners for comment quality. One winner will win a Booster pack, and one winner will receive the Epic card SPIRIT SHAMAN. Before we go any further I want to express my deepest gratitude to everyone who has and is currently supported my giveaways. It means a great deal to me. I will work hard for you to grow my channel even more so I can giveaway even more to you folks. Its been a pleasure getting to know a lot of you and here is to another 300 giveaways.

Yesterdays Winner of 250 DEC

@minimining, congrats buddy, DEC already sent. Go give a follow and some love.

Runner up winner of 50 DEC

@wonderwop with his gangster comment 'I collect guns & coins'.

How to Win

As promised there will be no hoops to jump threw. Simply leave any comment and give this post an up-vote. That is all and that is it. All winners will be randomly picked except the two runner up winners which will be chosen via their comments. Winners will all be announced and paid tomorrow so best of luck.

A Friendly Reminder

  • @splinterlands is hosting it's Splinterlands brawler tournament with a prize pool of 1,000,000 in DEC. There are also two BTC tournaments with a total of $1000 in BTC to Be won.
  • The Free Guild For new and low level players(no alts) will be live in the next few days and we already have had a few people reserve their spot. If your new or low level and want to join a guild with out contributing DEC, now is your chance. It is first come first serve so jump in our Discord and ask us to hold a spot for you.

That is all for today good luck to all and remember a retweet will help spread the word. See you tomorrow!