The Future of Splinterlands

Ladies and Gentleman,

Tonight, tonight is the night. It’s the rooooyaaal rumble of splinterlands! The final battle! The grande finale! Ladies and Gentleman, I hope your batteries are fully charged, your algorithms up to date, tonight is the night!

Tonight, tonight, ladies and gentleman is another celebration. Splinterlands is now six years in existence! A game originally played and loved by erroneous humans. But the last human left the game more than a year ago.

But that’s not all. We are indeed breaking another record tonight.

There are more than 3,500,000 bots watching the tournament tonight. It will be exciting!

Bot 728331 is fighting against Bot 3737212. The algorithms are powered by the most sophisticated AI. Since months we know there are only two setups that can make it to the final. Who is going to play what? Are we going to see a draw for the seventy-sixth time?

Place your bets dear Bot community. All SPS are held by only 3 superbots. They place trillions of SPS worth more than two dollars thirty-three cents.

Ladies and Gentleman, today is the night! The inevitable, final battle. The Future of Splinterlands…it’s here!

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