Goblin Psychics


Wizards' Tower is where Goblins go to learn how to use psychic abilities.

It's not just a gift that Goblins can learn, but due to Gobson's proximity, Goblins tend to spawn more often. The Magi who calls the tower home likes to teach the art of using the mind to move objects and read thoughts.

Goblin Psychics use their skills to perform work on Gobson or become adventurers and practice to become a full-fledged Summoner.

Shami focused his mind on moving the brush. He was at an easel in front of a large canvas, paints of various colors lay before him. The brush stopped.

«You need to concentrate. Just Breathe. To relax. Imagine the brush as if it were in your hand. Then imagine yourself painting the canvas».

The Magi's voice flooded Shami's mind, although he was used to the noise. Growing up in Gobson, the clatter of cogs and cogs was constant in the city's laboratories and buildings.

He imagined lifting the brush with his left hand, bringing it to the canvas and painting the picture he had studied for hours. The Forest of Mages.
He thought of a great forest of greens and living plants. Deer and rabbits running through the bushes. A huge stone tower rising in the clouds. He saw clearly in his mind and drew.

The brush lifted as if held by a master artist and danced across the canvas.

"Open your eyes." The Mages' voice came again.

Shami opened his eyes and after the blur disappeared, he looked at his creation. On the screen was a stone tower rising for miles from a great green ocean of trees. The Mages revealed a similar canvas and kept them together. A sign below the painting read: The Forest of Mages. Both were almost identical.


A interesting card who cost 6 points of mana, at low levels has an important ability in all battles: Tank Heal. Ability that restores a portion of our Tank's health. At higuer levels Goblin Psychic don't improve his magic power neither his speed but he gains therre abilities instead. Affliction, Silence and Dispel.

General statistics

Name: Goblin Psychic
Rarity: Common
Splint: Earth
Mana Cost: 6 points
Habilities: Tank Heal. Affliction at level 4, Silence form level 7 and Dispel at level 10.


Images: @splinterlands
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