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Splinterlands Epic Card Profile - Kiara Lightbringer

Arc and shadow,
Sparkly bow,
Tell me things
I need to know,
Watching you
With open eyes;
What between
Your color lies?

-Song taught to Kiara by the Lady in the Rainbow

Kiara Lightbringer

Splinter - Khymeria

Set - Beta

Class - Rainbow Guardian/Epic Summoner

Size - Kiara is still a little girl, which as a Khymian, means she gets showered with praise, support and all the gifts she could ever desire. She is small enough to be lifted onto one of her parent’s shoulders with ease.

Lifespan - Kiara was a true delivered Khymian child, granted to the couple by Khymia herself and delivered from the sky by Kralus the flying white tiger. The request of Lyanna and Aggroedius was an unconventional one, and many Khymians were nothing short of outraged to learn that they were granted a child. They Khymian was even more outraged when they discovered that the family would leave Khymeria to settle in the Dragon Splinter.

Habitat - The Lightbringer family, mostly because of Aggroedius’ complicated and confidential work responsibilities, have settled in a beautiful home on the outskirts of Draykh-Nahka’s Centrum. The house was built entirely to Lyanna’s specifications and is complete with a hot room for Talia and a rainbow room for Kiara. Kiara loves it in Centrum; she never got along especially well with the other Khymian children in pre-school, mostly because of her strange obsession with rainbows.

Weapon - Kiara carries a rainbow sword and a rainbow shield. They may have the look of toys, especially in the hands of such an adorable little girl, but they are not toys. In her new school at Centrum, Kiara has gotten herself into trouble many times already with the sword. The administration of the school even tried to have the sword confiscated until the end of the school season, but the pull Aggroedius holds with the Wizards’ Council caused them to hold back. Kiara’s sword actually has an interesting story to its arrival, which dates back to when the child was only 2. Lyanna remembers it like it was yesterday. The two of them were picnicking in a field when a bright, shimmering rainbow shot down from a cloudless sky. From its light emerged a brightly dressed, smiling sorceress. The sorceress did not reveal her name, but pulled the sword and shield from the reddest portion of the rainbow. She laid them reverently on the ground at the toddler’s feet, who looked at her with simple curiosity. Then the sorceress left as quickly as she had arrived and the rainbow vanished. But from that day on, a tiny glimmering rainbow could always be seen in little Kiara’s eyes.

Diet - Kiara adores the most sour melons from the provision trees, even some that are considered too flavorful to be eaten non-mixed. She loves the fullest flavors imaginable: the sweet, the sour, the tart, and even the spicy. She has not adapted very well to the carnivore-pleasing food choices offered in Draykh-Nahka and she is completely grossed out by her sister Talia’s all meat diet. Aggroedius arranges (at great expense) to have fruits of the Khymian provision trees brought to the Dragon Splinter just for Kiara.

Allies - Kiara loves her parents (Aggroedius and Lyanna) more than anyone. They have kept close watch over her when she attends the Mount Mox tournaments as a Summoner, knowing that she is far too young to be lured by the Gloridax masters in any direction. Kiara also holds a mysterious allegiance to a beautiful woman she sometimes talks about. She says this woman comes to her most nights in her dreams, where they spend time laughing together and talking about rainbow magic.

Enemies - Kiara doesn’t get along well with any of the kids in her new Centrum school, especially the boys. They do not threaten her in any way, mostly because they are scared of the sword she carries everywhere, but they relentlessly ridicule the rainbow. While the rainbow is very close to Kiara’s heart, the children of Draykh-Nahka do not respect it. The Gloridax teach their children to worship and adore only pure sunlight, which is said to come directly from Helio. Kiara has only been in the Centrum school for less than a year, and several demerits have already been issued for instigating fights with other students.

Pastimes - If Kiara had her choice of activities, she would always be with her mom or dad, just watching them do all the fascinating things they do each day. Usually she is not invited on their adventures, and those days she goes out alone to the large grassy hill that overlooks Centrum City, where she plays games of imagination and fantasy with herself. Kiara has a pure heart, and an endlessly creative and adventurous spirit.


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