This Kansas Girl Is GOING FOR IT!


Guys, I've been under the weather, so forgive me for not writing to you more, and this message will be short as well, so please don't be upset, but I HAVE TO SHARE WITH YOU ALL!

Miracles CAN Happen! Yippee!!

First of all, you've GOT to listen to the AMA (Ask Me Anything) today, where you will hear some AMAZING GOODIES coming to Splinterlands. LIKE WOAHHHHHH!


Here's a link to watch it guys:

The stuff coming to Splinterlands is SO EXCITING! That furious chicken better WATCH ON OUT! YESSS!!!

But the news I LOVE was..... THE LANNNDD!!! THE LAND IS GOING TO BE AMAZING! They are adding some animated features and effects that are MIND-BLOWING!


And if you're watching the market like any good crypto boy or girl is doing right now you're seeing that HIVE IS EXPLODING GUYS, and because of that, because of you all teaching me how to play Splinterlands, and because of you all helping me on my blog.... (drumroll please...)


I just put in a bid for a PLOT OF LAND! YIPPEEE!! You all have NO idea how happy I am right now! Is anyone ACTUALLY going to buy it? Well, it's not the lowest price, bottom of the buy list, but it's not at the top either hahaha.... but that's okay. I'm just SO PROUD of myself that I can actually TRY to get this plot that I seriously have tears in my eyes while I write this. For many of you, this type of transaction is just another market moment with another possible deal... but to me, land is precious... land means SO MUCH right now! :)

So, I just had to share my excitement, and I'm really happy that I'm learning how the market works, that I'm starting to understand HIVE more and all these ways that I can make money through Splinterlands, and I just cannot thank you all enough. You folks are literally changing my life, and I truly, truly appreciate you all! :)

You have an amazing weekend, and Happy Father's Day to those of you whose country celebrates it this weekend! YAY! :)

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