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Splinterlands AMA (Ask Me Anything) Summary


Update on Splinterlands: What's Coming?

Below is an outline of the conversation about Splinterlands and the weekend AMA (Ask Me Anything)

Chaos Legion Packs: Chaos Legion White Paper Released

  • Pre-sale starts Oct 18
  • Releasing 15 Million packs, 5 cards per pack (10x the number of Untamed edition)
    Cost will be $4.00 USD

Yabapmatt @yabapmatt (Matt) discussed the reasons why they released the pack number

  • The price point for the packs affects the entire game economy.
  • The Rewards cards we did 20x the number of previous reward cards, but for the Chaos Legions packs, we did 10X but double the price to make sure the value holds in the cards and helps maintain the value for the older cards as well.

Aggroed @aggroed Interjected Here: We 11x growth in August, we doubled in September and we will double in growth again by the end of the year

  • We don’t want to dilute the cards, but we do want to match the growth of the game so they are balancing that.

  • If you use Splintershard Tokens there will be a 10% discount in buying cards

If you buy bulk packs, you’ll get bonuses as well

  • Possibly the Chaos Legion will release then November 18, a month after presale; however, Matt said that is not a guarantee, but they will not release before November 18

Chaos Legion.jpg (source: Splinterlands)

Voucher System (Matt; Yabapmatt)

  • What is a voucher? It’s a measurement of your SPS Staked days. It becomes a fungible way to trade the amount of SPS staked days you’ve had.
  • We want to manage the sale of the packs over the course of the 30-day period of the pre-sale.
  • NOTE: You won’t be able to open the card packs during this pre-sale time
    The more SPS tokens you have staked against the total SPS staked of the whole Splinterlands
  • You’ll need 1 voucher token per pack
  • You won’t need voucher tokens for the bonus packs (if you buy in bulk)
  • If you’re earning voucher tokens and don’t want to buy packs, you can sell them.
  • You can buy the vouchers on HIVE Engine and perhaps others
  • There will be 1 million vouchers given out over the course of the presale
  • There will be vouchers left over after the presale, and those will retain value to be used for other creative ways to use the voucher token in the game.
  • “SPS Utility: The VOUCHER system for Chaos Legion presale pack purchases, in addition to the 10% discount for purchasing Chaos Legion presale packs with SPS tokens are just some of the first ways that the SPS token, and SPS stake, will be utilized within the Splinterlands game.”
  • Voucher airdrop will drop about the same time as SPS

Presale Rewards (Matt)

  • It’s like a Kickstarter, but they aren’t doing a kickstarer this time
  • Similar airdrop mechanic, where every 1 million packs sold there will be an airdrop
  • For each pack you purchase in the first million, you’ll be automatically eligible for receiving all the airdrop cards, whereas if you buy towards the end, you will only be receiving a chance to those end air drops
  • Limited Edition Promo card airdrop: This card is not included in packs going forward, and there will never be any more of those cards posted.
  • If you buy packs during the pre-sale, each pack will have a CHANCE of receiving a promo card in airdrop for each 50 cards purchased, you are guaranteed a limited edition promo card, for each 1000 packs purchased, you are guaranteed a gold foil promo card. You don’t have to purchase that in one time, the number of packs you purchase over the course of the sale.
    • On the post about the Chaos Legion Pre-Sale
      - "Each pack purchased during the presale (including bonus packs) will have a 2% chance of receiving a limited-edition promo card, and each of those will have a 2% chance of being a gold foil version (1 out of 50 on average). Accounts that have purchased 50 or more packs during the presale will be guaranteed to receive at least one limited-edition promo card for EACH 50 packs purchased, and accounts that purchase 1000 or more packs during the presale will be guaranteed to receive at least one gold foil limited-edition promo card for each 1000 packs purchased."

Finally, each account that purchases 1000 or more packs during the presale will receive one "The Legionnaire" in-game title NFT for each 1000 packs purchased, and the top 6 accounts with the most Chaos Legion packs purchased during the presale will be able to work with the Splinterlands team to design their own Legendary Summoner card which will be added into the Chaos Legion set as one of the 13 airdrops to be released over the life of the set.

  • People who purchase 1000 packs will receive the Legionnaire Title NFT
  • Top 6 accounts will get to help design cards.
  • Legendary Death Summoner is most likely the promo card (but not 100% sure yet)

Two League Format

  • Only the newer cards are used in battles for the Modern League
  • We are splitting the ranked battles in two separate ladders: Wild: All cards are allowed (including new and old) Modern: Untamed or Chaos Legion cards only
  • These two leagues will have separate pools of DEC, on separate leaderboards, etc. and if you can play in both, you can potentially double your rewards.
  • The whole idea of splitting it out, is so that the new players can play fairly
  • You won’t be able to play beta starter cards, if you want to play those cards in the Modern
  • For now, the reward pools will be equal at the start, but over time that may change.
  • This two-league format is a balancing act to help the old cards hold their value
  • If new players are coming in, they still should have sufficient cards to come in and play successfully
  • Hoping to go live around November 17
  • The DEC reward system will double for each League, so there will be twice as much DEC going out for reward pools

Aggroed's Comments

  • How does that affect price : If you’re staking SPS, you’re getting your free airdrops, we have 415K accounts that have purchased the spell book so you’re fighting for the SPS. The pre-sale will only have 1 million packs available.

  • The presale is relatively small so please be respectful and get what is best for you.

Recent Issues with the Game

  • We have more people working all the time on the servers.
  • It will still be awhile for it to run perfectly, but we have a lot of people now helping to make sure those servers are working well.

Developer Introduction Richard (Hardpoint)

  • He’s been working the last two weeks to organize the game and get it streamlined on the dev side of things.
  • He’s a gamer and developer, was originally in corporate land and is now working for Splinterlands
  • They will putting in some great technology to put into the backend of the game and fix some server issues

New Events Coming: WafflesKitty

  • Follow Dygycon on Twitter
  • Dygycon is a live digital conference event by Splinterlands
  • NFT auction
  • Scavenger Hunt: You will need to be on Twitter to access the hunt
  • The Dygycon Event will have a Super Secret Guest is a summoner that you can unlock in the Dygycon event so follow them on Twitter

Questions: Aggroed

  • When is the next set: After Chaos Legion
  • Bots are okay. We are going to avoid exploits but bots are fine. We will focus on the issue of staking and bots later, but today our focus is Chaos Legion pre-sales
  • Land Release: The content creation for Land has been going strong, and the development has been stalled but the content creation is going well, so we are still moving forward
  • 1000 Packs purchased to get Maverick status
  • Next AMA will be a week from today at 2pm
  • Staked SPS players are what we want in this game, so we focus on them and make sure they have the success they need for this game
  • Splinterlands does support bots, we aren’t encouraging them, but we aren’t discouraging them. We are designing the economy so that you can be successful and we need to make sure that the bots don’t have advantages over the regular players.
  • What’s the use of staking SPS long term: You can only get vouchers from staked SPS.
  • Biance and listing Splinterlands: Aggroed isn’t pushing this at this time to make sure Splinterlands is strong
  • Bots are going to lose access to new players set prior to the game.
  • The exploit in regards to the bots will be removed
  • The DEC reward system will double for each League, so there will be twice as much DEC going out for reward pools
  • They are looking into earning SPS as well as credits for affiliate rewards
  • Can you possibly earn packs in rewards? Yes, a small chance you can
  • Looking into an oracle system
  • There will just be one collection power that will apply to both formats (answered in chat by @cryptomancer )
  • The card art in Chaos Legions is gorgeous according to Aggroed. They are hoping to add animation to the cards
  • You will need vouchers after the presale because it is a method of measuring and training how long you’ve been staking SPS so we will be keeping that and encouraging that.
  • We’re going to have to cap what you can earn in the leagues so you don’t sit in bronze with all these amazing cards. We’re working on it.
  • Check in with Matt regarding 3rd Party Game play but don’t bug us in the next month about it because we are too busy.
  • Rift Watchers will be the next card set but won’t come until after Chaos Legions (and will probably be 3000 DEC per set but that may change due to the explosive growth of the game)
  • We will be adding summoners to the next pack for sure
  • Might be Diamond Foil cards coming in the future
  • If you use 3rd party market sales for card packs, the original buyer will keep the bonuses, while those buying the packs on the market would receive just the pack itself.
  • Will DEC return as the price for tournaments? Yes, most likely, but for now it's the SPS to build up that economy
  • Legendary Death Summoner is most likely the promo card (but not 100% sure yet)

Link to the Post about the upcoming Chaos Legions: @splinterlands/chaos-legion-set-and-presale-info
