RE: New Splinterlands Update Basically Wrecked the Game .. FML

I completely agree with you.

There are people that argue: "If YoU dOnT hAvE tHe SuMmOnErS fOr ThE dIaMoNd LeAgUe YoU sHoUlDnT bE aBlE tO pLaY tHeRe". But, are they fucking retarded or something?! First, why does it matter what level my cards are if I obviously are skilled enough to be that high up. I regulary beat people with cards higher than my, so let me play in that stupid league. Honestly, they call it "Summoner level LIMIT" but then expect people to have this level AT LEAST. Second is, do they really expect people to invest thousands of dollars into a card game?! I mean, I have level 3/4 summoners and my deck is already worth over 500$, to get max level summoners you'd need to spend multiples of that. Why would anyone do that? Especially considering the that the goal is to get many small players and not a few big investors.

I noticed that the game was getting more p2w in the last time, but this is finally the point where there is no single bit of skill left. Like sure, if you suck at this game you won't be able to compete, but even if you are the best player of the world you will still be limited by your fucking cards.

I'm so fucking tired of them listening to big investors instead of doing one fucking thing that will help the game, which is fucking getting new players on board. No, they need to focus their whole work on the so called "mobile app" which is shit anyway and on updates like this.

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