Splinterlands - Battle Mage Secrets: Healed Out!

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Good morning, good afternoon, good evening or even a good night everyone, depending where in the world you are of course, and welcome back to my Splinterlands blog.
It's a Saturday and although I didn't had to work the last two days I had a DIY project in my backyard that needed to be done so I had little Splinterlands time other than making sure I depleted my energy enough so that it didn't go to waste, how is your season going for you?

In Modern, I'm at around 1900 rating, so that's Gold 3, and I'm seeing 95% max level decks now, and a lot of them are Lux Vega decks, it's hard fighting against them with a gold level deck but it's cool to win and quite rewarding, this week for the first time ever I earned over 4 SPS for a win, and it happened a few times that day, unfortunately it was short lived because the next day it was down to 2-3 SPS every win again, I think less players were active at the time I was playing so the SPS pie could be shared with less players.

In Wild, I've hit Champion 3 again and I'm earning more glint there so I'm switching between the leagues every now and then. 🙂

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This weeks Battle Mage Secrets Challenge is about the Healed Out ruleset, which is easy to understand - no healing whatsoever, so Life Leech and Scavenge can be nice here.
To find out how you can participate in the challenge yourself, you can find the Splinterlands post here.

The battle I want to share for this post is a 47 mana Modern League, Taking Sides / Healed Out battle with the Earth, Life and Death splinters open to be chosen, all three have good magic offensive monsters, and the life team can be annoying with a Grandmaster Rathe team giving everyone Void Armor to eat trough first, so to protect against both threats the choice for me was easy - bring Immortalis!

First look at the battlefield:


Well, since I really didn't knew what to expect from my opponent, I went for a all-round team with magic protection and the ability to shatter trough armor fast, Grund / Immortalis with its Double Strike works great - the first hit destroys all armor and the second hit halves the HP in one turn in most cases, Thane's Inspire adds even more to this.
Unfortunately my opponent has chosen to go for an all-round team also, and is doing a LOT of damage, and it's almost a max level deck so I'm at a disadvantage here...

My Line-Up:

  • Summoner: Immortalis - reason: Void, Shatter.
  • First position: Grund - reason: Double Strike, heavy damage, high HP, Trample.
  • Second position: Mycelic Slipspawn - reason: Taunt, Forcefield.
  • Third position: Goblin Psychic - reason: Heal, Silence, Affliction.
  • Fourth position: Lurking Puffer - reason: More Silence.
  • Fifth position: Ava the Daunted - reason: Weapons Train surrounding cards.
  • Sixth position: Thane Newsong - reason: Inspire to boost Grund.

The Battle:


Round 1: Wow! that's what I call a good start of the fight! 😅 it doesn't happen often to overpower a higher level opponent like this - but it's great when it does! Both the tank as well and Queen Mycelia got killed - I would've put the high HP Lord Thanalor in the second position as a backup tank...


Round 2: Only one monster left but my entire front row in barely alive, the backrow isn't harmed at all and is doing a lot of damage, so I'll be alright, the Last Stand is a bit annoying but nothing to worry about.


You can watch the battle unfold for yourself here.

A nice amount of SPS but a poor amount of glint...

That's it for this week again, making this posts is kinda part of a Splinterlands players job when you have some time for it - it can fund your deck!
Last week I bought a lot of cards again with my earnings to further build up my deck, I've got Astral Entity at Gold level now too!


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Thank you for reading!!!

If you haven't made an account already, please consider using my referral link to sign up, I'll happily send the amount I get for your signup back to you in DEC or SPS to help you start.

Have a great day!

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