Battle Mage Secrets: Taking Sides by @nozem01

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Good morning fellow Splinterfans! A storm is heading over western Europe so it's perfect weather to be inside making another Splinterlands post, this weeks Battle Mage Secrets Challenge requires us to make a post about the 'Taking Sides'ruleset, in which no neutral cards are allowed, to find out how you can participate in the challenge yourself, you can find the Splinterlands post here.

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The season just ended and like almost every time, the first days are even more competitive as the rest of the season, so I skipped playing the first two days or so and resumed playing this morning. My alt is staying in Modern Bronze, while my main is fighting both Modern and Wild Silver, my strategy for this season is to fight in Wild for at least the first week, and when I'm up at 2000+ rating and feel like my win rate is dropping because stronger players are up there, I will switch to Modern, this way most of the strong players will have left low ranked modern so I can farm some nice SPS and chests.

The 'Taking Sides' ruleset is pretty straight forward and only limits us in the selectable cards, so as with other ruleset for me this is a secondary ruleset if it's combined with others, if not, it's pretty much a 'standard' match with an obstacle...

The battle I want to share with you for this post is a Tournament battle with the Are you not entertained? / Fog of war / Taking sides rulesets and a 53 mana cap, which I consider pretty high. Fire, Earth and Death are available to be chosen. The Fog of War ruleset limits the options for Gladiator cards a lot, and since I don't own Quora on this account I decided not to go for any Gladiator but I knew the chance would be pretty high I would be facing Quora in this battle, so I decided to make a anti magic / anti Quora team, Quora is very good, but has two major weaknesses: Affliction and Dispel.

First look at the battlefield:


O my! Quora AND Kron! well without Llama.. they have the same weakness, and I made my team just for that purpose ๐Ÿ˜ bring it on!

My Line-Up:

  • Summoner: Immortalis - reason: Great when you expect heavy magic with the Void, shatter is great too.
  • First position: Grund - reason: High damage double strike to quickly kill the enemy tank, he needs a taunt to survive though!
  • Second position: Mycelic Slipspawn - reason: Taunt to keep Grund alive longer.
  • Third position: Regal Peryton - reason: Fast, Flying, good magic damage.
  • Fourth position: Goblin Psychic - reason: To heal Grund and Affliction against enemy heals.
  • Fifth position: Uloth Dhampir - reason: Good ranged damage, stun, to stun heavy damage tanks.
  • Sixth position: Hunter Jarx - reason: Good ranged damage.

The Battle:


Round 1: My shatter countered Queen Mycelia's protect nicely, I was lucky my Grund stiked first, and with the help of others the enemy Grund died fast, mine is still at full health because Mycelic Slipspawn sacrificed itself, it's a good trade-off in my opinion. The affliction landed on Quora right away, AND she is stunned very nice! So far, my plan worked perfectly.


Round 2: Luck is definitely on my side, both the Affliction and Stun landed on Kron too, so he's awaiting the same fate as Quora soon.


Round 3: Bye Kron! ๐Ÿ˜‹ I'll be okay, Peryton will fire first killing Mycelia, Mitica will probably hit and kill Peryton next, next my archers will kill the enemy healer and Mitica will be at the first position unable to fire.


Round 4: Yep, exactly ๐Ÿ˜Š FINISH HER!


That was a nice win and why I love this game, even if you play heavy OP cards, you can still be countered when the opponent anticipates your moves.

Watch the battle unfold for yourself here.

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Thank you for reading!!!

If you haven't made an account already, please consider using my referral link to sign up, I'll happily send the amount I get for your signup back to you in DEC or SPS to help you start.

Have a great day!

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Sources: For my thumbnail I used a background from @golemoverlord, when you're not playing this game as a splinterlands player, you're missing out!
I made a post with more info about Golem Overlord here.

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