Battle Mage Secrets: Armored Up! by @nozem01

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Good day fellow Splinterfans, and welcome back to my Splinterlands blog, yesterday I had a early start with my blogging jobs for this week and I already submitted a post for the Social Media Challenge for this week, it's about making posts for beginners, which fits right in my alley as I made a lot of tutorial and explainer posts before, you can find my new explainer post here.

To find out how you can participate in the challenge yourself, you can find the Splinterlands post here.

This weeks Battle Mage Secrets challenge requires us to make a post about the Armored Up ruleset, in which all monsters get a +2 armor on their current stats, so you can expect magic heavy teams to be played in this ruleset, a nice strategy I like to use in these kind of battles is to put a Void Armor tank up front and have it resurrected when it dies, it respawns with only 1 HP but with full armor the enemy team has to eat trough again, so to counter this you definitely need some shatter in your team.

The battle I want to share for this week is a 45 mana Armored Up / Close Range / Target Practice Brawl battle, with Earth, Life and Death available to be chosen from, so although you can expect magic with the Armored Up ruleset, my standard strategy with the Void Armor tank / Resurrect play with the Target Practice ruleset, so I had to think of something else while also anticipating what my opponent would likely do...

First look at the battlefield:


Well I wasn't expecting General Sloan! A archer heavy team deals a good amount of damage every turn, he will have to eat trough the armor first though... and not including a martyr card with the Target Practice ruleset is a mistake I think.
That being said, he is definitely doing a lot more damage than I do, but I think my Gladiator is better suited for this set of rulesets, looking at the battlefield, I think I'm ok because my Katie will get a double martyr boost, as planned and at that point she will get a kill every time she fires, and soon will be unstopable.

My Line-Up:

  • Summoner: Grandmaster Rathe - reason: Void Armor for extra magic protection.
  • First position: Imperial Knight - reason: Good tank with self heal.
  • Second position: Corsair Bosun - reason: Good damage, it's a nice secondary tank.
  • Third position: Venari Marksrat - reason: Martyr.
  • Fourth position: Captain Katie - reason: Good damage, Bloodlust.
  • Fifth position: Adelaide Brightwing - reason: Repair, Resurrect.
  • Sixth position: Crystal Werewolf - reason: Sneak protection but primarily the Silence.

The Battle:


Round 1: Well that was a good start, for me anyway 😁.. As planned my Martyr died, got resurrected and died again, which was a little faster than I expected but it did it's job by boosting Bosun and Katie's stats, after the boost, Katie was able to kill off the enemy Adelaide in one shot, and she can't resurrect her self 😇. The three backline archers are doing a whopping 9 damage together though, so Katie needs to start working on that...


Round 2: At this point, Katie is unstoppable and together with the rest of my team the battle is already decided.


Round 3: Alvar and the Arbalest got killed now too, it's only a matter of time now before the entire team is killed.


Round 4: Katie is up to 9 damage and 8 speed now, and since she's the fastest on the battlefield, she will get to finish off Marisol Contuma, ending the battle with 10 damage / 9 speed.


That's another win for my guild! 💪

You can watch the battle unfold for yourself here.

Well that's already it for this week, I was struggling with my ranked battles this morning so I think I'll just let my energy recharge a bit and get at it tomorrow again, or maybe tonight after dinner to earn some more chests before my claim tomorrow morning, we will see...
I hope to see you again next week, take care and have fun!

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Thank you for reading!!!

If you haven't made an account already, please consider using my referral link to sign up, I'll happily send the amount I get for your signup back to you in DEC or SPS to help you start.

Have a great day!

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Sources: For my thumbnail I used a background from @golemoverlord, when you're not playing this game as a splinterlands player, you're missing out!
I made a post with more info about Golem Overlord here.

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