TeamPH and the Splinterlands Connection


TeamPH has always been about helping the community to rise up together. We help ourselves by helping each other. One important detail we want to understand though is how exactly did the TeamPH and Splinterlands connection come about? To find out, we'll need a little history lesson to better understand.

Finding Possibilities During COVID

Covid has been a tricky slope to navigate. It has come with a lot of problems but if you look at it from a different perspective, it also introduced some opportunities that could potentially be life changing.

During the time when everything was in lockdown, @leveluplifeph started to stream by looking at various blockchain games where people would be able to turn a profit and earn even from the comfort of their own homes. As he grew his audience, he tried out various blockchain games and suffice to say, not all of them succeeded. Splinterlands was one of the games though that stood the test of time and had a good track record.


Creating Solid Examples

In the Philippines, the weak fiat currency makes it hard to accumulate assets in the Splinterlands game but on the flip side, that also means that if you have been able to steadily build some of your assets, a lot of that can help you in the long run if you need to take out a percentage of it.

Splinterlands became a key part of leveluplifeph's stream as it made a lot of amazing success stories. One that stood out to me in particular was when he mentioned that he once had a viewer who was able to accumulate assets in game and was steadily building upon it. That viewer however, experienced severe flooding in his area where it completely wiped out his home. This person then cashed out half of his assets in game and was able to rebuild his home. Mind blowing!

TeamPH at this point hadn't been formed yet but examples like these are what set the foundation that Splinterlands can be life changing and has given hope that a community as a whole could potentially rise up.


Avoiding Scam Projects

One other thing that was very important in figuring out which game to use as a basis is figuring out longevity. There are a ton of blockchain games out there and a lot of them have unfortunately rugpulled. During peak bull run periods, new games would pop up seemingly every single day and after a week or a month, they would leave tons of people heartbroken as they would just leave people out to dry. This means that the decision to select which game to back as a community becomes extremely important because we're bringing in not just a handful of people but a growing community as a whole.

Splinterlands has shown that it can stand the test of time and that it is in it for the long haul. One of the key reasons TeamPH chose Splinterlands was with this interview a whopping 5 years back (when it was still called SteemMonsters). This shows that it can survive even through tough times with a bearish market even if there might be some tough decisions to make.

Here is the old but still as informative interview below!


Building a Community

At the end of the day, TeamPH wants to build, support, and uplift the community as a whole. Navigating the blockchain space is hard, tricky, and potentially dangerous if you don't know what you're doing. We at TeamPH always want to do what's best for the community and making sure that we have a solid base to build off of is one of the most important things to decide on. Splinterlands has already proven that it's an amazing game and platform which can potentially be life changing to our fellow Filipinos and we want to help grow the game and the community even further.

TeamPH is here to stay and we'll continue to work with Splinterlands to make it as awesome it can be while helping provide life changing opportunities to our community members.


Together we thrive, Kapamilya.

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