Splinterlands - Ceberus (Weekly Post)


One of the lower mana count monsters that is a decent tanker is none other than fire splinter's Cerberus. A 4 mana monster with self heal while having a mid to high health value in with its respective low level makes it a great use with Fire splinter



The match was a low mana of 14 and had armored up and sharing fury rule sets. This was prefect for fire splinter as multiple monsters had low mana count. With that my opponent also went with Fire splinter.

My formation started with Cerbus, followed by Serpentine Spy, Goblin Shaman, Creeping Ooze, and ending with Furious Chicken. On my opponent's side there was Serpentine solider follow up by Kobold Miner and Elven Cuttroat. What seem to be a lopsided match may come to no surprise as reader will soon see.

Round 1


At the end of round 1 my opponent knocked out my Furious Chicken while I only gave health damage to some of their monsters.

Round 2


At the end of round 2 I was able to knock out their Kobold Miner. While their tanker Serpentine Soldier was down to 1 health.

Round 3


At the end of round 3 I won the battle with my Cerberus basically unhurt with all its healing it had done during each turn. I went away with only losing Furious Chicken while my opponent's entire formation was decimated.


As mentioned earlier Ceberus is a great tanker in low mana matches. This match witness is proof of that. Cerberus basically held on in the front of formation while majority of the remaining monsters knocked out my opponents'.

It was also great to see that most of my formation remain intact through the battle although it was a short battle. If you ever see a battle that minimizes mana use make sure to check out if a Fire splinter with Cerberus is a good first choice.

Link to the match if you want to watch.

Until tomorrow happy Splinterlands to everyone.


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