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Make Money Playing Splinterlands (Why You Should Stake SPS!)

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The 3 traditional way of making money in Splinterlands is

  • Earning Dark Energy Crystals (DEC) through each battle

Depending on which league you're in, you will receive different amounts of DEC per battle

  • Next, you will receive loot boxes for completing daily quests

  • Lastly, after the end of the season you will receive certain amounts of chests depending on what league you got to at the end of the season.

However with the new introduction of the SPS token, by playing and holding cards that have higher power, you will be earning SPS daily.

Once you get to this page, you can claim any SPS token if you're eligible for the airdrop. What you can also do is stake these tokens and keep compounding over and over. One thing to keep in mind when you stake, it gets locked up for 4 weeks and it gets unlocked 25% each week. Depending on how badly you need the money this is an option, me personally I am not going to take profits on any of my SPS tokens and I am going to keep compounding them until the end of the SPS airdrop.

This is the Token Distribution roadmaps, so 400 million of them will be distributed through an airdrop. There is a 3 billion max supply so the airdrop will only make up about 13% of the distribution. As you can see here Play to Earn makes up 30% of the distribution over 5 years. This is another reason why I am so bullish on Splinterlands right now because not only do we have DEC we have another play to earn tokens and that is in addition to the 3 traditional methods we discussed earlier.

Another thing to consider is if the popularity of the game goes up and the value of the card goes up then you will be making money off of that as well assuming you have valuable cards in your collection.

My ideal situation is that I will be able to rent out these valuable cards sitting in my collection to new players and earn passive income, however, I see this as more of a long-term investment strategy.

As you can see here Staking your SPS tokens will also give you 30% of the distribution. I am not sure if there will be another pool that will be added like a liquidity pool for example (SPS-HIVE)

So yeah make sure you're claiming your SPS and make sure you're staking them. This is a really fun game with a lot of potential in terms of making money so I will be making a whole lot more content on it.