Heavy Night Rain

Hello Splinters, I'm Lagnarok, Welcome to my Battle Secret Mage section. A scheduled Faction War is coming and unavoided even though the weather is not good. Tonight Heavy Rain is falling, and yet no sign it will stop anytime soon, and the time for Faction War is right in the air. Heavy Night Rain limits everyone's sight line and worsens with no Range-type unit that can shoot the arrow in this situation. Earth and Death Faction decided not to use any Ranged-type monsters this time because they would be useless and only waste precious resources such as mana or arrows.

Dr. Blight's Lore

To say the faculty at Pelcroft were uncooperative when first presented with Alastair's “evidence” would be an understatement. Shunned for his obsession with obscure folklore and laughed at for his insistence on a forgotten “hidden” continent, staff and friends alike mumbled pejoratives just out of earshot, suggesting an unbalanced mind, drawing comparisons to the infirmed at Silverwood Asylum. But the Yerivin Manuscript could not be ignored. Though indecipherable, the illuminated volume hinted at lands and flora somehow lost, suggesting a rich landscape ever so near but inaccessible to the uninitiated. As his critics grew more vocal, he grew ever more determined, reclusive, and choleric, buying the artefacts he could and stealing what he could not to fuel his obsessive research; obscure tablets in jade, strange figures carved in hardwoods unknown, and fragments of rotting velum in writing nearly identical the Yerivin volume. But still, they would not believe it. Read More.

The Battle happened in Wild Gold League in a Ranked Match, and the battle details are "Heavy Hitter", "Broken Arrow", and "Fog of War," Rulesets with 20 mana caps allocation to spend. And I decided to use Death Splinter this time.

Weekly Battle Mage Secret


Battle Mage Secret Link: https://splinterlands.com?p=battle&id=sl_6d3028d2bd68e710b8485864a9917156&ref=lagnarok


Battle Preparation & Strategy

Thaddius BroodLv 6-1 Health, -1 Magic
Phantom SoldierLv 5Flying, Silence, Void
Shadow SnicthLv 5Reach
Dr. BlightLv 3Affliction, Camouflage, Poison, Scavenger

My Plan is simple, which allows the enemy attacks Phantom Soldier with Magic, and with Thaddius Brood and Phantom Soldier Nerf, it should be ok. While Dr Blight will poison the enemy's tank to death and collect the enemy's soul through Scavenger's ability and power up himself. While Shadow Snicth will try damaging the enemy's front line as much as possible.

Did my Strategy Work?

No, my strategy doesn't work at all. First, my opponent's magic reflection worsens with Queen Mycelia Amplify the Magic Reflection ability. Second, his Tank got a backer, which took me forever to kill him. Third. Immortalis buff them all with Void ability, which was a nightmare for my team.

Note: I tried to change my writing style from a long and tedious version to a shorter and more descriptive one. I hope. You can enjoy it.

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Thank You & Credits

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this post. I hope you can enjoy this article and give you more ideas to set up your lineup.

If you haven't played and are interested in this #splinterlands, please do not hesitate to use my Referral link. This is a #play2earn, #hivegaming, and #blockchaingaming within #hive ecosystem type card game that allows you to collect, trade, or exchange NFT (Cards).

my Reff: https://splinterlands.com/?ref=lagnarok

  • @peakd for providing us and Splinterlands community with a great platform.
  • @splinterlands for cool P2E battle cards and images.

Disclaimer: This Article's purpose is not to mock or discredit anybody or any individual, but this article was created only for study case and entertainment purposes.

Best Regard.
Thank You So Much !!!

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