Social Media Challenge, Brawl Report #62, Lighting up the New Year! Giveaway!


I decided to change some things around on this one with the image, let me know what you think about it in the comments! Pizza is like people, we come in different flavors but everyone is awesome!

The new year is coming in, so let’s start if off with a bang! We will start by having the heatsmith start brewing things up and if we get 120 upvotes, it will explode into the rats! I am also doing the Social Media Challenge that Splinterlands puts out there, let’s get awareness of an awesome game, follow me on twitter and retweet! @DrKqaos If you are not playing Splinterlands yet, click on any of the battles or the link towards the bottom, would love to have you!

• Leave a comment with your username, along with your Do you have a new years resolution? If so, what is it?
No repost, upvote or tips, !PIZZA, !BEER, !WINE, !LOL, etc. required, but if you want to I will be appreciative!
• When this post pays out, a winner will be decided by random name picker (
• Winner will need to comment within 48 hours on the winning post, I want to make sure it is going to someone alive! No response, no winnings, but I want to send it out, the prize will roll over to my next brawl report.

As I post this SPS is currently trending at $0.023 this one keeps sinking, hopefully the crypto winter will turn around next year and these will pop! Buying some things, the burn has started with the Chaos Legion packs, 903,493 left to go until the next summoner, if you buy them now, you will also receive an awesome bonus card, so a good time to join!

Since I have been looking at cards a little bit more, the lore really pops, and this one, has gladiators within the brawl, so let’s look at the one!

The Lore behind the Trapp Falloway by Splinterlands:
The small and weaselly creature called Trapp Falloway never looks as though he fits in among the Gladiators of Mount Mox, but time and again he proves everyone wrong. Trapp was delivered to Praetoria on a cargo ship from the Dark Eternal city of Galzur and though he is not a Dark Eternal himself, he fights alongside the warriors of the Death Splinter. He cannot be trusted. Many times he has been thought dead upon the rocky ground, only to jump to life and plunge a concealed knife into an enemy’s weak point with shocking and sudden precision at the last possible moment. He never seems to run out of knives, and he has been known to beg for mercy when he secretly knows that none is necessary. He wears a hood to conceal a bald head covered with unsightly growths. Through his hood, his yellow glowing eyes can always be seen. Gladiators he has defeated in combat remember two things about Trapp for the rest of their days: Those eerily glowing eyes, and the taunting screech of his voice, which reminds one of an ironil lynx clawing and scraping at the cliffs as it begins to fall into the depths of the Great Pit Racchsa.
We are doing well, filling 14 out of 16 spots! I have changed it up a little bit, I am looking at Novice, Chaos Legion only with 6 battles to my name, Let’s Charge!

Battle #1 (Link)
We start off on the road with this one! 23 mana, Common and Rare only, along with Light and Earth only. I decided to go earth, for that heal and then the double sneak attack. They went light on this one, Captain Katie could be a problem. I snuck a win on this one! Thankfully they had the weak guys protecting the back line.


Battle #2 (Link)
Customary, have to talk to @theacks on this one since it is a home match, 17 mana, no sneak, no snipe, and amplify. I decided to go Quora on this one with the venari spellsmith for some backup. They went death, there goes that buff to magic. I think they forgot about the sneak on the snipe though. This was an easy win for me!


Battle #3(Link)
Back on the road for the third fight, Looking at 27 mana, extra armor and enrage. I went with Quora again, along with some extra healing and some opportunity strikes. They ran earth as well, along with quora, healing, and extra armor. They also had more magic damage coming at me.


Battle #4 (Link)
This one is back in the home arena with 56 mana, no legendary monsters. I am staying with earth again on this one, the magic will be nice, but the double attack upfront should help me out. They went water, the speed and the armor could be a problem. Relenor did too much damage to me.


Battle #5 (Link)
Back on the road for the second to the end, looking at 99 mana, Reverse speed and common and rare only. I went water this time to mix things up, hopefully Relenor can help me out! They went fire on this one, some Riftwatchers in there that might take me out. The reverse sspeed killed me on this one, I forgot about that…


Battle #6 (Link)
The homecoming, the last match, looking at 46 mana, magic reflect, and enrage. I went fire for some double bloodlust action between Grum and Chimney! They went water with the legendary summoner. Those heals could spell trouble. Chimney for the win!


Just under 21 hours left to go and I am sitting at 3 and 1, a good way to start a brawl! Meanwhile the guild is holding strong in 1st place at this moment in time, but about 60 percent of the battles are left to go, hopefully we can hold on too it!

Well, I started strong, but did not finish strong, 3 and 3. The guild squeaked by with a second, we were 1 win over 3rd place, we need to keep this performance up!

Due to those merits, I am able to open 2 Gladius packs this time, another Sola!



Check out other Pizza Guild Brawls:
@shauner Shauner's 47th Splinterlands Brawl Report - PIZZA 2 The Deep Dish Guild
@bonehead752 My Pizza 420 Brawl Report #3
@vaynard86 Social Media Challenge: Splinterlands Weekly (Dec 23 - Dec 29) + Brawl Report
@relf87 Guild Brawls With Pizza 2 - Sola Ranjell Continues To Impress
@blitzzzz Splinterlands & PIZZA Brawl Report : My 66th Brawl Report with 🍕PIZZA 2 The Deep Dish Guild🍕 ⚜️⚔️🛡️🔥🐉

Giveaway Pings

@amaillo @luizeba @irisworld @h3m4n7 @blitzzzz @shawnmichael-gt @koodies @postapocgamer @jfang003 @henruc @bokica80 @relf87 @cogie88 @candnpg @chefbgob @qoogohome @mercysalifu @thoth442 @bonehead752 @marcinxyz @urkanon @criptosectadepit @urkanon @plicc8 @theacks @danideuder @vagabond42069 @zekelol @waynechuasy @xheadhunterz @eijibr @yokosama @treefrognada @rtonline @vaynard86

Thank you for reading this far, additionally, I do want to thank the people in Pizza, a great place to hang out! I have learned a lot from it and there are great people and a very positive community.

You can find them here: Awesome Pizza Discord

I’m starting to track the Pizza token a little bit more as well, it is currently sitting at $0.01386, a great time to join!

At some point I will be doing some other posts about my experiences in Crypto, but here are some links if you are interested in some other NFT Games or other games as well!

If you use my referral link I will send you 200 DEC to get started!
Layer 2 Labs
A Great community for Splinterlands, with games and a faucet to help players as well, new name as well, was Splinterlabs.
Rising Star
Great music NFT and a way to support up and coming musicians!
Still learning this one, but it is a football (American Soccer), easy to set up and go!
Star Citizen Referral code: STAR-LRKQ-D6NK
Space game, still in alpha development, playable, very immersive, sign up with the referral code it will give you money in the game along with both of us receiving a free ship!
A great way to get into Crypto mining, easy to set up, code gets you a 0.25% fee discount, uses the graphics card while you are not using your computer, or you can mine with just your CPU.

Let me know if there are any questions, you can find me in the messages here or in the Pizza Discord.

Remember to reach across the aisle and talk to someone that might be different than you, you might be amazed at the person you find!

Lastly, thank you again, remember you are awesome and have a wonderful week!
Dr. Kqaos

Photos come from PowerPoints stock image, Bitmoji with Splinterlands logo on top of it, or my own screen shots of Splinterlands, pizza dividers by @candnpg
Disclaimer: This is my opinion, not financial advice.

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