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Brawl Report #65 Just your Run of the Mill Brawl Report, Grab a Slice of Pizza!

Brawl Report #65 Just your Run of the Mill Brawl Report, Grab a Slice of Pizza!


Not much on this report, just the run of the mill brawl report, but comment below and you will get a slice of hive pizza, tasty, electronically at least!

So, let’s start by looking at SPS which is currently trending at $0.026, it has dropped a lot, but it is beginning to creep back up, very slowing, but I will take slow upward verses downward anytime! Speaking of buying things, 424,602 packs for the next legendary summoner in Chaos Legion, it has picked up, I think the pack burning has started.

Since I have been looking at cards a little bit more, the lore really pops, and this one, I don’t know if I have done her in the past, but she was used to success and I just leveled her before this brawl.

The Lore behind the Isgald by Splinterlands:
Some people of ΛZMΛRÉ have been battle-hardened by the most brutal land in the known world, the Frozen Hell ice shelf of the north. The clan Vorst is the largest ice clan that has inhabited this frozen world, and a young lady named Isgald is their champion. Through years of enduring bitter cold every day and night, her skin has taken on an eerily beautiful shade of blue. Several other members of the Vorst clan have similar complexions, but because Isgald is one of the only Vorst clanspeople who has traveled outside of ΛZMΛRÉ, she has become known as the blue princess. She is in fact not a princess at all; residents of ΛZMΛRÉ recognize the power of no government nor royalty.

The small statured blue princess is a fierce fighter who requires minimal armor and weaponry to go up against foes that are much larger than her. Some say that her skin, in addition to being blue from the cold, is also hard like ice and difficult to penetrate with any blade. Isgald carries a short sabre that has been handed down through a long line of women in the Vorst clan and a small but indestructible shield said to have been crafted by the hands of the Frost Giant himself.

On to the battle, the guild as a whole filled 13 out of 16 frays for this one, need to get those last couple filled. This time around I am back in the Bronze Chaos Legion/Riftwatchers fight with 7 fights that have my name on them!

Battle #1 (Link)
Starting off this one in the home arena, so chatting with @theacks for the strategy aspect, let’s look at what we can do with 56 mana, poison, extra armor, death, light, and dragon only. I decided to run with Death on this one, using the witch to hopefully last long enough to win. They went death as well, but with the epic summoner using cripple. I pulled the win on this one, but it was close!


Battle #2 (Link)
I am staying in the home arena with this one, so I decided to talk to @chefbgob, the leader of one of our Pizza family guilds for strategy tips. We have 34 mana, and cripple for the ruleset. I decided to go with earth on this one, hoping the double strike and quora will help me win. They went water, that shield might cause some challenges. My strategy worked out well for me!


Battle #3(Link)
Third one is on the road, looking at 46 mana, basic, and even’s only. I decided to go death on this one, I have a gladiator that has some good health with it, hoping that it pays off! They went earth on this one, cutting that magic down might help me a lot. However, it was not enough to cut through it all.


Battle #4 (Link)
Staying on the road for the fight, good thing it was just a short jaunt over to the next arena. This one is a big one with 99 mana, and no magic, water, which banned, earth and light only. I went light, since the magic of earth will not help me, hoping that Marisol will take the lead along with the Disintegrator to decrease their damage output. They went dragon, there goes my speed and my ranged attack bonus. I lost with this one as well.


Battle #5 (Link)
At this point I am 2 and 2, let’s see if we can improve on this record! Home arena with 25 mana, close ranged rules. I went water on this one, hoping that the taunt with the double opportunity will work in my favor. They went death, that can hurt me, which is not good. Isgald just took off with that opportunity strikes!


Battle #6 (Link)
Staying in the home arena again this time with 20 mana, no ranged, and extra armor. I don’t know how smart this is, but I am going earth with quora and the goblin for double healing up front, opportunity or sneak can knock me out! They went earth as well, void armor could be a problem, but let’s see how this plays out. They could not damage me with the extra healing on this one!


Battle #7 (Link)
I have 4 wins under my belt, which means I have a winning brawl right now, that is good, I still want to win one on the road, this is my last one, on the road, let’s go! Looking at 52 mana, and earthquake, fire, earth, and death, with the dragon available. I’m going for earth on this one, the flight from the Regal Peryton, but then the healing of quora to hopefully keep her in the game. They went dragon on this one, the phase ability to all, this might not go well for me. That little bit of flight and the healing go me through on this one, a good win!


So with just over 4 hours to go on this one I ended up 5 and 2, not a bad showing, I am happy with that one! However, the guild is currently sitting in 4th place, and not by much, this seems to be a rough brawl for us!

I ended up 5 and 3, a really good brawl for me! The guild ended up in 3rd place! So it was a good time for us as well!

Due to the merits I was able to get another gladius pack, unfortunately, nothing good:


Check out other Pizza Guild Brawls:
@vaynard86Social Media Challenge: Splinterlands Weekly (Jan 06 – Jan 12) + Brawl Report
@candnpgSplinterlands — Brawl Report
@relf87Guild Brawls With Pizza 2 - A Surprise In The Gladius Pack
Thank you for reading this far, additionally, I do want to thank the people in Pizza, a great place to hang out! I have learned a lot from it and there are great people and a very positive community.

You can find them here: Awesome Pizza Discord

I’m starting to track the Pizza token a little bit more as well, it is currently sitting at $0.01676 a great time to stake that 20 Pizza to get that badge! Not to mention, a place to hang out, lots of positivity that we need!

At some point I will be doing some other posts about my experiences in Crypto, but here are some links if you are interested in some other NFT Games or other games as well!

If you use my referral link I will send you 200 DEC to get started!
Layer 2 Labs
A Great community for Splinterlands, with games and a faucet to help players as well, new name, was Splinterlabs.
Rising Star
Great music NFT and a way to support up and coming musicians!
Still learning this one, but it is a football (American Soccer), easy to set up and go!
Star Citizen Referral code: STAR-LRKQ-D6NK
Space game, still in alpha development, playable, very immersive, sign up with the referral code it will give you money in the game along with both of us receiving a free ship!
A great way to get into Crypto mining, easy to set up, code gets you a 0.25% fee discount, uses the graphics card while you are not using your computer, or you can mine with just your CPU.

Let me know if there are any questions, you can find me in the messages here or in the Pizza Discord.

Remember to reach across the aisle and talk to someone that might be different than you, you might be amazed at the person you find!

Lastly, thank you again, remember you are awesome and have a wonderful week!
Dr. Kqaos

Photos come from PowerPoints stock image, Bitmoji with Splinterlands logo on top of it, or my own screen shots of Splinterlands, pizza dividers by @candnpg
Disclaimer: This is my opinion, not financial advice.