Brawl Report #63 Social Media Challenge, Grabbing for that Pizza


I know this is an image of a healer, but sometimes those healers get hungry! So they reach for the best, some !PIZZA if you want a slice of Hive Pizza, comment below!

Additionally, let’s get awareness of the game out there, follow me on twitter and retweet! @DrKqaos Let’s bring attention to it like a guy who is throwing pizza to a crowd! Hopefully not as mess as that might be… If you are not playing Splinterlands yet, click on any of the battles or the link towards the bottom, would love to have you!

So, let’s look at SPS which is currently trending at $0.023, it has dropped a lot, not a great thing, hopefully it will rise, time to buy if you want to get into more tourneys! Speaking of buying things, 762,741 packs for the next legendary summoner in Chaos Legion, it has picked up, I think the pack burning has started.

Since I have been looking at cards a little bit more, the lore really pops, and this one, I don’t have on my main account, but I do have it on my alt account:

The Lore behind the Fina by Splinterlands:
Fina has struggled and fought her way up from the most despised social class in all the Burning Lands, the Ruddy. This forbidden hybrid race that came from crossing cinder elves with pureblood Efreet generally keeps to themselves in their highland Molten Mountain hideaways. Very few of them (only the bravest) have ever tried to make a living in the broader Burning Lands, and even fewer have held aspirations to battle in the Moxian tournaments. Fina has proven herself against anyone who has ever challenged her. She does not use magic, but she is a wizard with the siow that she carries everywhere with her. The siow is an incredibly long, thin blade whose mastery can take years. An effective siow warrior can engage ten men at once in combat; Fina can handle more than twenty. She will now prove her worth and the worth of her clan to everyone at Mount Mox by battling as a professional Gladiator.

On to the battle, the guild as a whole filled 11 out of 16 frays for this one, a lot lower than normal. This time around I am back in the Bronze Chaos Legion/Riftwatchers fight with 8 fights that have my name on them!

Battle #1 (Link)
We start out on the road with 16 mana, earthquake and small fry, I went light, since it is the only choice, I have that has flight. They went earth, that extra magic probably, along with the healing. I didn’t stand a chance on this one.


Battle #2 (Link)
Into the home arena, so I have to have my discussion with @theacks on this one. 99 mana, slow and knockout. I decided to go fire for the slow double bloodlust, hopefully it works! They went light, hoping that extra armor will help them out is my guess, along with captain katie! This did not work out for me either, not doing so great!


Battle #3(Link)
Third time is the charm? Away with 36 mana, magic reflect, and cripple. Going with Light on this one, changing things up a little bit. They went light as well, so probably not the best thing for me. Similar lineups only they are hitting my backline more. Some key misses helped me win this one!


Battle #4 (Link)
Back at the home arena again, I decided to talk to @cogie88 this time around. 56 mana, no melee. I went water for the taunt and the heal, along with edith doing 8 ranged damage. They went earth on this one, that extra hit point along with close range might hurt. I had just too many misses on this one and it killed me.


Battle #5 (Link)
Things are not looking great for me as I move into the second half of the fights, this one is away again with 99 mana, amplify and rise of the commons ruleset. I’m going to mix things up a little bit and use earth, the double attack in the back hopefully will help me out. They went water on this one, double opportunity is going to hurt. I came out ahead on this one!


Battle #6 (Link)
Second to last home match, looking at 13 mana, magic reflect, close range, and only light and death. Probably not the smartest gig here, I went with Marisol, only. They had a similar plan, only they had the 0 mana monster up front, causing me to bloodlust and win!


Battle #7 (Link)
The last away fight for this brawl, 36 mana, no sneak, no snipe, no legendary. So I went earth on this one, hoping the taunt and heal will do well, followed by the double heal quora and then the technomancer to do some blast damage. Similar thoughts on this one that I had, went earth. However, I just had the larger onslaught!


Battle #8 (Link)
The last fight, the homecoming, let’s get going! 34 mana, melee can attack from anywhere, and basic. I went earth, quora with the magic and the melee can do some good damage! They went death, probably to counter my magic. I won this one hands down!


After a horrible beginning to this brawl, with 4 in half hours left to go I am sitting at 4 and 3, so the worst I can do is 50/50, I can handle that! The guild is currently sitting in 2nd place, by 7 wins, the worst we can do is 4th, which would suck, but we have a very strong chance to hold onto 2nd or 3rd.

I ended up 5 and 3, a really good brawl for me! The guild ended up in 3rd place! So it was a good time for us as well!

I get to open another gladius pack, an Edith, I did use her in the brawl:


Check out other Pizza Guild Brawls:
@vaynard86Social Media Challenge: Splinterlands Weekly (Dec 30 - Jan 05) + Brawl Report
@shaunerShauner's 48th Splinterlands Brawl Report - PIZZA 2 The Deep Dish Guild
@candnpgSplinterlands — Social Media Challenge and Brawl Report
@pulubengdugsPIZZA 420 The Calzones Brawl Report # 1
@bonehead752My Pizza 420 Brawl Report #5
@relf87Guild Brawls With Pizza 2 - RECORD 8 OUT OF 8 WINS!
Thank you for reading this far, additionally, I do want to thank the people in Pizza, a great place to hang out! I have learned a lot from it and there are great people and a very positive community.

You can find them here: Awesome Pizza Discord

I’m starting to track the Pizza token a little bit more as well, it is currently sitting at $0.01265 a great time to stake that 20 Pizza to get that badge! Not to mention, a place to hang out, a great Christmas Party for 2022 happened as well, get in on the next one!

At some point I will be doing some other posts about my experiences in Crypto, but here are some links if you are interested in some other NFT Games or other games as well!

If you use my referral link I will send you 200 DEC to get started!
Layer 2 Labs
A Great community for Splinterlands, with games and a faucet to help players as well, new name, was Splinterlabs.
Rising Star
Great music NFT and a way to support up and coming musicians!
Still learning this one, but it is a football (American Soccer), easy to set up and go!
Star Citizen Referral code: STAR-LRKQ-D6NK
Space game, still in alpha development, playable, very immersive, sign up with the referral code it will give you money in the game along with both of us receiving a free ship!
A great way to get into Crypto mining, easy to set up, code gets you a 0.25% fee discount, uses the graphics card while you are not using your computer, or you can mine with just your CPU.

Let me know if there are any questions, you can find me in the messages here or in the Pizza Discord.

Remember to reach across the aisle and talk to someone that might be different than you, you might be amazed at the person you find!

Lastly, thank you again, remember you are awesome and have a wonderful week!
Dr. Kqaos

Photos come from PowerPoints stock image, Bitmoji with Splinterlands logo on top of it, or my own screen shots of Splinterlands, pizza dividers by @candnpg
Disclaimer: This is my opinion, not financial advice.

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