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Oh, Where, Oh Where, have my SPS gone? Oh, Where, Oh where, May they be?

My great plan, was to buy some SPS, transfer them to my Splinterlands account, build up some vouchers, and buy 500 packets + 75 using the vouchers.

I use Metamask to transfer my SPS. It had been a few months since my last transferring in.

But they didn't show up.

Mmm, a little perplexed. Maybe, there was a block confirmation delay or something.

Waiting, waiting, waiting...


Oh well, these things happen I guess. It should be fine. Just a friendly neighbourhood problem that the Help Desk should help me resolve.

I reach out to the Splinterlands machinery. I get a ticket number and everything. That's professional.

Oh, while you were away, we've changed what we do. We've got a new integration with TeraBlock >>> here
Fair enough, but shouldn't the transition still be in progress? Wasn't there like a 30 day wrap around?
I don't trust myself, anymore, my brain matter finds it hard to focus on simple things. So, I'll just fire off a request to TeraBlock. They'll work it out.


I don't like being outside of the Splinterlands world. I get it that a growing organisation needs to muscle up with some integrations. But, for me, it isn't working out so well.

I submit a TeraBlock tech support request. I fill in all relevant details. Says it went.
There is no support ticket number, no confirmation email.
So, I send it again, yup same outcome.

Then later, I get 2 emails, one for each of my requests, asking for an array of information relating to the matter. Much of the information requested was already in my submission.

I've worked in administration roles so I like to let people get on with their thing. I submitted the required information and waiting.

The response was quick.

The Block of the chain is lagging behind, please give up to 24hrs for the transaction to go through. If it doesn't go through then please drop us a message.


So, I wait. Well beyond 24 hours. Still no incoming SPS into my Splinterlands account or any return of SPS to my metamask account.

I fire off a response email advising them that I no see nothing.
Still, no response.


I don't want to be a pain. Surely, wherever my SPS is, is in someone's bucket, like fish in a pail. This little sea creature just wants to be fed.
I don't want to be an Orca and thrash murderously in my little pond.

The Splinterlands Discord is quite active. They have a great Tech Support section within their midst. I reach out. Asking if any assistance could be forthcoming.

The answer was, it really is in the hands of TeraBlock now, so best you deal with them.

I am a perturbed at the corporate tennis game that is happening now.
LIke in the classic move, Brazil, where you need the required form, presented to, the required department, just to get approval to scratch your nose.


At what stage are Splinterlands still responsible for what happens in this Pseudo Transitional Integration?
I could be entirely at fault in how I attempted to do my transfer.
However, who holds the keys to the castle? Who can remedy my little conundrum? My plans are delayed now.

But, procedurally, what are the governing policies? Who takes on what level of resonsibility? Is there a flow chart of issues? If TeraBlock are not issuing Support Tickets, then how are they managed? Is my email reply to their reponses adequate? Or, am I meant to begin a new un-numbered ticket?
I didn't choose to interact with TeraBlock. The limited options is a bit concerning to me.


An now, being in limbo, my plans have stopped.
Being at the mercy of 3rd parties is quite unnerving.
Hopefully, it will resolve itself soon.
