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Splinterlands. Isn't it funny?...

Good morning!

I don't remember when I shared my DQ rewards in Splinterlands last time if I ever did it...

Actually, I don't remember when I got smth really cool in DQ... But today I decided to write a post about Splinterlands and share my today's rewards.

First of all, I think it looks super fun. Seriously, you know when one of the keyboard caps is stuck you get a repeated letter on your paper, so here is the same. I think smth stuck there and I got just 3 cards and all of them is wave runner...

No, I don't mind getting that monster, cuz I don't have it in maxed lvl yet. But still, I wouldn't mind getting at least one gold foil then xD

Anyways... these days I am buying new cards, which means I spent all my decs on cards xD I think it is the first game where I spend my cash... why? Because I really believe that Splinterlands can become a part of my income, I mean a real income.

What do you think?

Good luck! Have a nice day!

If you don't play Splinterlands yet, try it now and win a free card or earn DEC tokens.

If you don't play Rising Star yet, try it now and win a free card or earn STARBIT tokens.

The post was published via @Ecency. Ecency is one of the best communities and posting platforms on Hive Blockchain!