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Summoner Focus: Kretch Tallevor | Reach Bronze 2 league for 1.9 DEC/Day

Did you know a level 1 epic summoner can use level 2 common monsters?

The mana cost of this Dragon card is only 3. This will allow you to play the same lineup as your default summoners. It will allow you to use lvl 2 monsters in that lineup. This lets you start to build you deck and get the addition 2 loot chest that are rewarded for Bronze 2 league.

Playing in Bronze 2 league needs a power of 1000.

Using KRETCH TALLEVOR and level 2 monster cards rented at .1 dec/day would have a daily cost of 1.9 dec.

KRETCH TALLEVORlvl 11.3.3200
Commonlvl 216.11.650
Total Cost171.91000

At an average win of .2 it would take you 10 wins per day to pay the rental cost for Bronze 2 league.

Summoner rent cost to play level 2 monsters.

Renting cards as a new player has its challenges. The biggest challenge that I have seen so far is the cost of Summoners.

As you can see below from PeakMonster It is possible to rent a level 2 summoner for under 1 dec/day.

If you rent one summoner from each splinter you would have a daily cost of summoners of 4.89+ dec/day. Level 2 monsters can be rented at around .1 dec/day

KRETCH TALLEVOR rental cost of around .3 dec/day