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Kingdom of Glory Guild Coalition Token Drop


Guild logo composed by @shadowwolf888

Dragon Divider.png

Shield of Glory, one of Splinterlands premier and top guilds, is expanding!

We recently decided...

to finally extend the “Glory” brand to take in new guilds, quickly picking up 2 affiliate guilds and expanding our community, Kingdom of Glory, to 3 high ranking guilds (All level 10) with others considering joining our ranks, in hopes to further expand the quality of experience garnered from this revolutionary project.

As part of this initiative...

I’d like to consider what being in a guild means in practice, without the obvious boons of DEC bonuses, shop discounts, or upcoming Brawl rewards, all of which are significant on their own, but most certainly not the best thing about guild membership.

In Shield of Glory...

and hopefully extending to our affiliates, being in a guild means being a member of a club and community. It’s the place we all hang out to share battle tactics, victories and defeats. It’s how we get our tabletop experience from a digital environment. Some of us have even invested together. I’d argue the sense of camaraderie in our community surpasses all others. We’d like to extend that experience to more players, and amplify our own experience along the way.

However, we realize unleashing such power into the community is irresponsible and dangerous. We all know with great power comes great (barf swallow) responsibility and we’re eager to do our part to reduce our footprint on the arse of Splinterlands. (Not yours, ig! We’re coming for you!! I’ll get to that in a moment, though).

But first…

Introducing KOG (Kingdom of Glory) Coin. Hives first Empathy token.

“Hey there, Champ. You really took a pretty hard pounding from our member, back there, on the battlefield. Present this token in your favorite Kingdom of Glory glory hole to redeem for complimentary aftercare.


after encountering one of The Glorious in battle, you’ll wake with a complimentary KOG dropped right on your chest. We want our warriors to be strong and fierce, but merciful and compassionate*.
*Mischief is also encouraged so KOG drop placements may vary.

If you are not lucky enough...

to wake covered in KOG you can present the battle to us on our community page, show us where our member hurt you (in intricate detail) and plead for justice or mercy.

KOG earned...

either from battle or from community outreach, can be presented in any participating KoG affiliate guild glory hole to anyone who takes the time to point out why it wasn’t your fault your team sucked performed so, so poorly.

Did your Lord of Darkness...

fail to stun? Did Dr. Blight neither poison nor afflict? We’ll blame, bash, trample, and trash talk your team (once more) so you can feel like winner again!* Imagine the wash of relief to fling that KOG right back at us. It’s as win/win as it gets!
*You're not, though. That's why you're there.

You may wish to attempt to summon the Glorious One, from whom you earned the token, to administer your aftercare with a tribute of KOG (sent to that member’s hive wallet), but summonings aren’t guaranteed to be successful.
You’re gonna wanna toss a big wad of KOG their way to improve your chance of success.

And now on to ig, a.k.a. @immortalgods

I’m gonna skip past the obvious criticisms of having the audacity to call yourselves immortal or gods.


Shield of Glory has a whole trophy room littered with battles wherein your champion was crushed like a grape… but I digress.

I want to talk about the inherent humiliation in getting taken down by a member of one of your feeder guilds.

Now, I can appreciate...

the power play of being Batman sending Robin out to handle an adversary on his behalf, so respect for that, but I pity the heroes in ig7, doomed forever to crouch at the heels of false gods. These brave warriors should have their own identity and earn their own nemeses. I have no doubt they’ve slain a few Legendary Dragons, and, for etiquette, I think I’ve heard a rumor about a Glorious One falling beneath one of your blades. I couldn’t substantiate it.

So with this in mind...

I invite all ig Henchmen and Cohorts* to throw off your shackles of obscurity, bathe and be baptized in the waters of Glory and rise to claim your rightful place among Splinterlands’ true gods. Bring your guild to our kingdom and bask in the Glory as you rise to greatness with us! All current ig guilds will receive a 10% sign up bonus to the KOG staked to their account if accepted to The Kingdom (see more below).
*Goons will be considered on a case by case basis.

And finally...

to show the mercy and compassion of The Glorious we extend an invitation to OG @immortalgods and all top tier/primary guilds. Should you choose to see the light, and bend the knee (by taking the title Immortal Gods -of Glory-), we will honor your wisdom and walk beside you on your journey to redemption.


Primary guilds i.e. @legendarydragons , & even ig will receive a 20% sign up bonus for joining our coalition.

How the token drop works:

I’ve spun up...
1,000,000,000 KOG, half of which will be staked in the KoG community account. 5,000 KOG will be staked to the first 30 Hive accounts to be accepted into the coalition.

Your guild must have a Hive wallet with the - of Glory - affiliate tag in the name.

A modest, yet undetermined portion will be used for payouts to advisors and team members.

At the end of 30 days...

those guilds who remain will receive a 1000 liquid KOG bonus. If all guilds perform satisfactorily ie. The Kingdom of Glory takes all 10 top slots, the bonus will be doubled. At least 50% of interest earned from community staked KOG will be dispensed to coalition guild hive accounts in regularly recurring intervals.

I’m keeping a large portion of the initial drop liquid until the Kingdom decides how to distribute it, which I hope will be our first governance vote.

Then we sink our teeth into the top 20 and beyond.


To apply for membership contact @star-shroud or @xsuilx on hive or discord. High level GF brawlers contact @misterrogers.

KoG Affiliates remember to use the KOG tag to post directly to the Kingdom of Glory Community.