Guild Brawl stats 10/04/22

Hello every one!
Today with you Gondek and our guild Silver-Ru!

The last brawl is over and it's time to present our results to you! As well as my opening of a booster with new gladiators for me!

For start let's take a look at last week's statistics

As you can see from it, we had two participants who showed an absolute result in battle: @Umaunior and @Arxirei12. Now let's get acquainted with the new results!


@Umaunior repeated the absoluteness of the result, although he changed the fry in which he took part. Congratulations! We will be able to do a more detailed analysis after 4-5 brawls, while this is just primary information.

And now to your attention the general statistics:


As a result, our guild took 3rd place and earned 692 Merit, slightly more than 1/3 of the pack price.

And now my Gladius Case!
As much as I love opening packs, this is a very pleasant process, both in real life and in virtual. And here is the record of the opening of my pack:


Two Epics, a rare one and two commons. Which of these cards do you like and would you like to use?

Regards your Gondek and the Silver-Ru guild!

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