Hi Splinter Players!

Today in order to complete the Weekly Battle Challenge I will share my first battle here on this blog!

centaur atack (3).png

Well, the challenge consists to play using the centaur card which is a common neutral monster with ranged atack and snipe ability.

As I'm playing on GOLD elo my centaur is at level 8 and have this stats:


I guess the snipe ability is pretty good considering the most damage come from the back-line monsters. With this skill you can focus on the monsters that does not have melee atacks so this way you can avoid the tanks and mess up your oponent's strategy. Without further ado let's battle!


The ruleset of the battle is as follow:


The chosen summoner was Mylor for TWO reasons:

  1. I just had two high level options at this point - Selenia Sky and Mylor himself.

  2. This ruleset allows melee monsters to have direct access to the backline so I thought my opponent could use melee monsters and with Mylor he would have to pay a high price for his attacks.

I wanted to use some card that synergizes well with Centaur because in all my battles I try not to make scattered attacks once in this game numbers mean a lot. In most cases it is better to destroy a monster as fast as possible than risk let them alives with 1 HP each. So I chose Child of the Forest which is another sniper monster with 3 mana cost and good stats.

Looking at my opponent's last 5 I didn't see any attack pattern and that's why I chose Chain Golem as my tank. He is not at maximum level of the gold league but his level 2 is still good enough for that purpose as he has Shield and Void ability that reduces damage of any attacks my opponent uses.

After that I decided to pick up Mushroom Seer. The reason was he has good utility skills like silence that reduces the magic attack from the enemies and poison beside of course the 3 magic attack for a 5 mana monster that is good also.

The remaining 6 mana I decided to spend to protect my back-line monsters from the sneak ability. Among my options I chose the Peaceful Giant because it's 15 HP costing only 5 mana points along with Mylor it could absolutely hurt all melee monster that tried to attack using sneak ability.

And to finish I chose Ooze that has good utility reducing the opponent's speed and would absorb some damage as 2nd "tank" if necessary.


Finally here is my battle (click on the image below):


My strategy worked well in this battle but I think using a tank last in this ruleset is pretty obvious so I will probably run into problems at higher levels. That's why I have to keep improving my skills

That's all guys! Comment below what I should have done better or if I played well or anything you want to comment ;)

If you do not have started the game yet and want to play it feel free to use my referral code which is good for both of us: Join Splinterlands


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