Late to SPS? Get on Vouchers, SPT & NFTs

Splinterlands Investing? Still Time...

Let's look again, at the world of Splinterlands


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SPS, DEC Staking & Vouchers

Did you know that Vouchers are already on the market? You can find them on any HIVE Dex, here I show a screenshot from Leo with a link to it in the image source link below it. I will update you as I blog every 2 or 3 days about the game as long as I find useful content to share. Right now from my last post I still have some SPS in the diesel pool and hope to pull more out before presale vouchers begin being airdropped.

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Do you see what I see? Nobody has found this yet and the price per voucher is already 0.55 HIVE for the first seller giving up 10 shares, or will they let them go that cheap? The rumor is nothing is selling out except vouchers since they are so limited and during presale you get bonus airdrop cards for buying and opening packs so... These vouchers are going to be hot?

Now you can scroll back the past 10 days of my posts where I have been telling you to get into Splinterlands and what is happing now I did infact warn you about, and we are still early... SPS touching $.60, DEC at $.0084 and SPT at $0.01 up very much from the last 10 days.

Splinterlands NFT Market

I am sharing these again as this is another aspect of Splinterlands that has not started exploding in value yet. I am selling some of the collector NFT cards for less than @splinterlands official account for a limited time. These collectables are very rare and will go up exponentially with the growth of the game.


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Click the link above that says image source to get to the Splinterlands NFT Market.

SPS - SPT Diesel Pool

If you remember I deposited 117.7 SPS in the pool 2 days ago 9-28 and today you can see that in 2 days we have either lost value or have not grown past the buy in fees? It is under 110 yet in time we will see. I plan to withdraw by pack presale in the next couple weeks. (share the date below if you remember the date)

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Over 1 HIVE penny now yet much room to grow yet. Blogging about Splinterlands on splintertalk yet? Next I will share my updated blog curation results in which you can click image source below it to go to my blog directly and Splintertalks many other areas to visit.

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