100$ worth of Splinterlands "Untamed Pack" cards


As you all might know when playing Splinterlands your deck size and the quality of the cards determinates the maximum League Tier and by that either limits or provide a goal for you to reach every season .
For me and I am guessing also for many others whom did invest in the game but either were not lucky with the cards obtained or simply purchased a starter pack and grinded the seasons to further increase their deck having a loosing streak is pretty much discouraging and limits the time spent in-game or increases it in attempt to raise their league tier.


My case was the first one, usually I play around 10 battles a day and when facing opponents with well-established deck with cards combined between damage, HP recovery and special skills and having a win rate of about 30% and in best cases up to 45% and not being able to breach Bronze II tier up to the Bronze I that is currently the highest possible due to the power level I am forced to split the gameplay to the first day of the season and the last 2 or 3 days with an occasional battles here and there in hopes to land a match that I can win attempting the said daily quest.


At the moment the cards that I am holding and experimenting different combinations allows me to reach the said Bronze II level but attempting to complete the daily quests is a completely different subject especially if I get a roll of card type that I don’t feel comfortable to play with I went and reviewed my deck yet again and decided that a further investment is required.


Due to the fact that I did withdraw my DEC tokens and converted to SWAP.HIVE to invest elsewhere I was unable to go for the AZMARE Dice in attempt to differentiate my deck I went for the second option and purchased some Credits and bought the regular Untamed packs. Having only 3 Alchemy Potions I went ahead and opened them all as I could not wait to level up my cards hoping to increase my win ratio. The below screencap is what I got with the said 50 packs.








I am quite satisfied of the end result and eager to try out my deck after finishing upgrading my cards hoping that with this boost I will be able to increase my win ratio and breach the high wall of the Bronze II level opening a path to better rewards and start having fun again with future battles.

Thank you all for reading and as always till the next time.

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