RE: Tournament or Tourniquet

I get the pleasure of pulling the toilet tomorrow! We redid the floor in the bathroom a while ago but didn’t know at the time that we should use the vinyl plank floor not the wood plank. Wood isn’t the best stuff to be used in a bathroom lol especially with one little boy that was learning how to pee on the toilet! Lol I’m glad we are past the stage where he got it more on the seat and lid than he did in the toilet. Needless to say, the floor needs a deep clean and bleach action! I’m just nervous what I’ll find under there lol.

Ah Splinterlands tournaments. I’m not good enough for the higher ones but I’ve played a bunch over time. I don’t get the opportunity to do it often but I think I’ll give it a look to see if I can find one I like. I’m picky with some of them! Lol it would be cool to use gladiator cards in tournaments too!

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