The Demon Opens Up 88 Splinterlands Champion League EOS Rewards Chests!


Hello, everyone! I am here on the play-to-earn game Splinterlands. I have been playing this game since it started in May of 2018! I miss the old Alpha days in so many ways. It was a great time. Everyone had fun in Discord, the community was tight and everyone loved the game so we all had that in common. I will have a tournament soon for this anniversary! One of the many ways you can earn crypto in the game Splinterlands is by battling all season long and then collecting your season-ending rewards! The season has just ended yesterday and I am here opening up my 88 Champion I League Chests!

The goal of battling in Splinterlands is to battle for two weeks and get up as high as possible in ranking and league. The higher you place on the leaderboard, the more prizes you can win. You can earn DEC by placing high and gaining more loot chests to open up for the end-of-season rewards. The great player Mondroid plays my account and is such a great player! he also placed in the top 50 on the leaderboard and won 20K DEC!

The season finally ended and I am in the video below opening up all the 88 rewards chests! Wish me luck RNG Gods! I am being superstitious trying to break my average $10 EOS by opening them earlier, lol! You can view it on the Youtube video below.

Use to get a cool view of your end-of-season rewards;


This season has been another great and relaxing as well as stress-free for me as the great player Mondroid plays for my account. He is such a great player! I wish I was just half as good as he is! We split the profits 50/50, and he does all the battles, tournaments, brawls, etc. He does all the hard work for sure. Check out the excellent screenshot click and share view below of the end-of-season rewards as shown below from the excellent site

If you do not have time to play Splinterlands or are not great at it, you can also share your posting key with someone and let them play your account as I do. I think I am an okay player, I was getting into Champion III each season-ending, but then I would just park there as if I didn't, I might end up out of Champion, LOL! It is a lot of time-consuming hard work but it can pay off if you get lucky and the RNG Gods are with you! It can also be so frustrating, like table-flipping frustration so although I do miss battling sometimes, I do not miss all the frustration battling!

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It is an excellent option for you to have someone better than you are as Mondroid is way better than I am, that is for sure! Then, you can sit back and relax the whole season long while still earning! There were Champion chests here to open up, and again he also placed on the leaderboard with a very lovely 20K DEC prize! It is tough just to make it into the Champion League, and to place so high on the leaderboard is fantastic!

I hope the RNG Gods are with me and I hope you have an awesome end-of-season too!

I wish you all luck in your season-ending rewards, and if you did not pull anything too exciting, I hope you do next time! We should all be able to get lucky once in a while and pull something fantastic! Mondroid and I are still waiting on that big SPS break sometimes! Good luck to you all!

I love seeing all the fabulous prizes players get at the end-of-season time. So many players get very lucky and get a lot of valuable rewards! All for just playing a game! Many players get lucky and pull large SPS amounts or expensive gold foil cards. It is a very exciting time when the season is bringing close to an end. I wish you all great luck ahead with the RNG Gods for the next season that just started! Ty2nicerva was opening up his 60-something chests and he pulled so many legendary cards and even 3 GFL! I said that legendary turned to gold, and he said no it didn't, I said yes it did! LOL! I was jealous too! Happy for him but salty for me haha!

The total value was $12.65 so again somewhat around $10 of EOS rewards. If you are a great player you can earn pretty well in the game! I will mark this as a pretty good EOS. Maybe next time there will be some GFL and some high amount of SPS! We all need that SPS now huh?!

I wish you all some great luck from the RNG Gods! I hope you receive something awesome to put you in a great mood this weekend! Have a great day in Splinterlands! ~@clove71

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Catch me on Twitch for Live Coverage of tournaments I have and Giveaways in the live chat!

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Immortal Gods is now RECRUITING! DM me, clove71#5266, in Discord. If you have an excellent win rate and decent cards, apply at the Guild, OR you can also DM me! Gold foil cards are needed in IG4,5,6, etc.

  • Use Your Crypto to buy Bitrefill Items like Twitch gift cards, Amazon, and so many more HERE

  • Use Coinbase to buy Crypto HERE

  • Use Leo Dex to buy cheap packs and DEC HERE

  • At @monstermarket, You Receive 3% Cashback on all card purchases! HERE

  • Check out all their features, like the packs and rewards analyzer HERE.
  • View rewards cards going out of print, get your season report card, and view cards by league cap by the great @kiokizz, who is @splinterstats [HERE]( please show him some Monster love on his recent Splinterlands posts!

  • Want to view Splinterlands stats? Check out @rafalski and his excellent Splinterlands stats HERE, and make sure to show some Monster love on his recent Splinterlands post!

  • Check out @peakmonsters today HERE and all their features!

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I wish you luck in your battles and daily quest loot chests!

I will see you all on the battlefield!

May the Monsters be with you.

Chris Love @clove71
Splinterlands Rep.

Follow myself & Goodtrouble on Twitch HERE
Follow the great @drabs587 on Twitch HERE

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