Kobold Miner +UPDATE! - Monster Profile - SplinterLore

I'm back today with another Monster Profile for you fine Splinterers! But first, I'd like to offer a little SplinterLore update to explain a bit about these profiles and some of the other work I've been doing.


Currently, in the Lore section of each card in the Collection page, there is a single paragraph that gives an extremely brief explanation of that card in terms of the Splinterlands Universe. I call these the "placeholder paragraphs," because soon they will be replaced by complete profiles such as the ones I have been sharing.

Adding Attribute Fields

I have been working with 11 attribute fields for each card, but just this morning I decided to add yet another. Now the list is Splinter, Class, Size, Lifespan, Weapon, Habitat, Diet, Allies, Enemies, Pastimes... +Work. The way I figure it, almost every type of creature does some stuff because it has to, not because it wants to. I call that stuff Work.

What attribute fields would you like to see added to the Lore profiles? Now is the time to offer suggestions. The only trick is, it needs to be something that can apply to every card. Let me know if there is something else you want to know?

What About Histories?

It is also my intention to create a historical explanation of each card in the form of a 6-8 paragraph narrative. As I will soon be working with over 200 cards, I must pace myself with these stories and only share them once they are firmly decided upon and ready to be implemented.

My Goal

I would like to have all profiles complete, including the full profiles of all the new Untamed cards by the time Untamed is unleashed. I'm hoping that with the release of the new cards, we will be able to share an entire world of character and monster profiles for you to peruse and enjoy. Those shared on my Steem blog are merely a taste of what's to come.

Why Are Sizes expressed in Chickens?

It is an impossibly diverse and varied world that we call the Splinterlands. If you can think of a better way to have a universal size quantifier, I'd love to hear it. If you must know, an average chicken in the Splinterlands weighs about 2.4 pounds.

Peacebringer 18.png

"Deeper. Deeper. Too deep."

Kobold Proverb

Kobold Miner

Splinter - The Burning Lands

Class - Assassin

Lifespan - Kobolds live an average of about fifty years, but they reach physical maturity within the first five years of their lives. Since they are also born extremely small, the size of a Kobold increases exponentially in the first year of life. Needless to say, Kobold babies require a huge amount of food.

Weapon - The Kobolds’ weapons of choice are also their most useful tools. Every Kobold of the Burning Lands is skilled with pickaxes and hammers, and sometimes they even dabble in explosives bought from Gobson traders. Kobolds are also notoriously good at hiding; they can always find the dark and shadowy corners of the cave.

Size - 26 Chickens

Habitat - The Kobolds of the Burning Lands are cave-dwellers, unlike the Desert Kobolds of Draykh-Nahka. The majority of them live in the tunnels of Molten Mountain, making a living by mining stones and selling them in the markets of Azad. They keep modest, comfortably furnished home caves. They raise large Kobold families in a large residential area known as the Kobold Suberbs, outside Zariba Cave City.

Diet - With such excellent access to natural heat sources, Kobolds have developed brilliant methods of cooking food. Slow-cooking, fast-cooking, steaming, smoking, they can do it all. For a diet that consists mostly of Fire Dwops, Cave Rats and the like, their dishes are surprisingly tasty and include an extensive combination of flavors.

Allies - Kobolds have always been a very trusting people, which has led them to be manipulated, abused, even enslaved. The Kobold of the Burning Lands are technically free, but they will do nearly anything to win favor from the Torch. Higher Efreet classes also recognize the tremendous skill and value of the Kobolds, so they are well-protected.

Enemies - The Kobolds of the Burning Lands resent the Kobolds of Draykh-Nahka. They cannot imagine why their ancestors chose a life of slavery over a life of freedom. The Kobold Miners also have a bitter rivalry with the Stonesplitting Orcs of Anumun, which comes to blows every time they cross paths.

Work - Burning Lands Kobolds make their living by pulling precious stones and gems from the innards of the Planet. The Kobold Suberbs outside Zariba where they live offer the quickest access to the great mines of the Molten Mountains. Many minerals can be mined as Kobolds create new residences for the ever-growing Kobold population. Deeper and further south, the great Diamond Mines are only a day’s journey, and if a Kobold Miner is feeling especially bold, they can venture deeper into the dark and massive Mystery Mines. In the Mystery Mines, the passages are so small that only a Kobold could fit. The journey is incredibly dangerous, but the rewards are great. Many Kobolds who seek the Mystery Mines are never heard from again.

Pastimes - When they are not mining, Kobolds are typically cozy in their caves, surrounded by family. They play games, exchange stories, and feast at extravagant Kobold tables. Kobolds love sports; many of their sports involve rolling balls, but their favorite form of competition is wrestling, a sport which they take extremely seriously. Few of them enjoy making the trip to market to sell their stones, so they go as rarely as possible. When the market trip is finally made, Kobold miners usually have to hire the pulling services of local Ogres. Wagons encumbered with rocks are never light.


@CarrieAllen and @ChrisRoberts



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