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Splinterlands vs Plants V Zombies

Hey Splinterlandians

So I’ve been playing the @splinterlands game on the PWA mobile app since it’s release and while limited and a bit buggy it’s been far better than playing the desktop site in your noble browser that’s for sure!

I’ve also been keen to play it because it’s the first progressive web app I’ve ever used on my phone and I wanted to see how it renders versus the traditional native app, yes it’s the tech and marketing geek in me’s fascination.

I think it’s a big step in the right direction and I can’t wait to see how it improves over time and not a need to App Store updates which for anyone who has worked with apps knows can be a pain

Killing time on your commute

I play Splinterlands daily to make sure I don’t miss out on my daily reward and watching the game change over the months has been fun!

One mobile game I used to play daily while sitting on the train to work was plants V zombies too! It’s still on my mobile but I haven’t opened it in ages!

It’s a really fun game with lots of daily events, unlockables, playable characters, strategies, game types and regular updates

While it’s a fun game it doesn’t pay me in crypto for my time so yeah I kinda lost motivation for it and well in game purchases their mean nothing and watching ads to get coin only severs to benefit their developers and not me

What would be cool would be to let guilds and brands promote in the game about upcoming tournaments and burn DEC or SPT to do so and drive some additional use cases for the token!

Screenshot of plants v zombies 2


It’s a pretty enjoyable if you have an hour to kill in your commute and is far more interactive than splinterlands! While Splinterlands is a card game this is more of a hybrid game of chess meets those character strategy games with quirky tongue in cheek names for the characters

Characters are pretty limited and each plant has its own unique attack and defending style similar to Splinterlands which makes it interesting but you can only play against the AI! You cannot play P2P which does make getting a game going a lot faster but not as interesting

Farming for rewards

While Splinterlands you can farm DEC through winning or as a reward plants v zombies as a unique system with you earning seeds which you can plant and water to earn power ups and other in game items

I do think this is a cool feature and from what I read about future updates it seems to be in the roadmap too


I do like PVZ Animations when they attack which does make the game seem more interact than it is and I think Splinterlands is lacking in this department

While it is a card game nothing is stopping it from having custom visuals for certain type of monster attacks or having it look different if you add a social ability or are a certain level of monster their could be a visual representation of that additional power


Both are great games to pass some time but PVZ since they are working on part 3 hasn’t had many updates and the game has gone stale where as Splinterlands has been steadily busy improving the game

I also have bias for being able to earn real world value so I’ve opted to spend that little down time on Splinterlands instead 😋

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