Battlemage Secrets - Not Lost Without The Legendaries

In this week’s Battle Mage Secrets, we look at the Lost Legendaries ruleset and see what strategy works when you can't call in the big guns. “Lost Legendaries” restricts you to not using any Legendary units in battle although you can still use Legendary summoners. With no legendary cards in the battlefield, using higher level cards and debuffs become more important.

For this battle, I was restricted to the Fire and Dragon splinters, so I decided to use Malric Inferno for the +1 boost to melee attacks and also since I have him at level 3. This was my lineup:

1st position - Living Lava - Shield ability to reduce my opponent's melee attacks since I expected him to go heavy on melee
2nd position - Fineas Rage - Strong attack plus reach and also quick to take out my enemy's front line
3rd position - Creeping Ooze - I want to slow my opponent down as much as possible to get my attacks in first
4th position - Serpentine Spy - The opportunity ability coupled with a decent attack and decent speed make him deadly
5th position - Tenyii Striker - Sneak ability to take out my opponent's back
6th position - Molten Ogre - I want to demoralize my opponents, especially to take advantage of the Living Lava's shield ability. If their attack is reduced to 1, then they would do no damage to the Living Lava

The battle didn't go according to plan at the start. My opponent used more range attacks than I expected and coupled with the scatter ability of his summoner, made things a lot more unpredictable. As you can see, by round 2, I was down to 4 cards.

But slowly, things started to turn around and by round 3, we were both down to 3 cards. The strategy of using the Living Lava's shield was starting to take shape. Ultimately, I just grinded my opponent down by being able to take more hits and hiving more health to begin with.

You can check out the entire battle here:

That's all for this Lost Legendaries edition of the Battlemage Secrets. See you in the next one.

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