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Voucher Shop

Voucher-shop was announced long time ago but it never come out, numbers of total voucher greatly increases everyday, we need something to spend them, something that only ask for vouchers, reducing voucher print would be healthy for vouchers price but it alone can not help too much, the best way to improve vouchers is to give them a direct use, something for 100% vouchers.


The main idea is just have this shop, products could be anything that have demand, my idea is having multiple promo cards in this shop(They could not have the promo status to avoid promo cards become too common).

5-6 common cards.
4-5 Rers.
3-4 Epics.
2-3 Legendary.

Price per single BCX:

Common cards: 1-3 vouchers.
Rer: 4-12 vouchers.
Epic: 20-60 vouchers.
Legendary: 100-300 vouchers.

Could be a limit per month of how much vouchers one account can spend in this shop, like 20 vouchers and this limit increases per certain amount of SPS stacking like the promo card we had, every 100-500 SPS stacked allow you to spend one more voucher per month, this increases could be for other asset instead of SPS stacked like Collection Power,(I very worry about the CP value for the future) or could be based on both or more assets.

This cards could be normal(sell able) in this case they should have a limited print rate that could last for certain time like a year them new cards should come to replace this out of print or souldbound with a possibility of unlock them in the future like the current soulbound rewards , or this card could be complete souldbound in this case they will not need a limited print rate but some new should come out when players star to max them out.

There could be others interesting products, like buying something that give you benefits per month them it expired and you need to buy it again, like a tittle that give 10% battle rewards increases.

Also been able to buy Gladiators in this limited format(maybe even more limited) is a great idea and can be another product, limited should be for each products like you can buy certain amount of promo cards plus certain amount of gladiators plus some others products.
I made a post some days ago of why we need more gladiators: