Minimum amount of commune cards in Champion, Diamond and Golden should not be 1

Multiple cards on chests has been an excellent implementation but unfortunately even though the chance is a low lower than before your daily rewards for champion can be single communes and potions, yes you can still getting a single commune even in champion Chests, getting single communes is like getting the lowest price possible something that you will getting in bronze, this discourage people to play in higher leagues and is not very healthy for the game.

I suggest something very simple: Increases the minimum of communes just by 1 in Golden, Diamond and Champion leagues, seams like is not much but you are getting double and it hit completely different when you get 2 you are thinking well at least is no one, it could be worse or something like that, players will forget that the minimum change to 2 and will not feel so bad by getting this price. Now if this will increases too much the communes on rewards just reduce the maximum amount of communes you can get on this leagues by 1 or more if is necessary to keep the communes amount at a similar level.

This will be a big plus on the player experience while open rewards, the other problem is the infinite potions even though we had a new use most players still have infinite potions so when they take potions is like getting 0 value, I made a post some weeks ago about this with some ideas of how to solve it: @caimanx/we-still-have-the-infinite

Others ideas posts I made recently:

Idea about getting more merits or a way to buy limited amount of Gladiators per month, since the average player will take several years to get them just to gold level: @caimanx/we-will-need-more-merits

Idea about getting fix the 2 martyrs cards that are more useful at level 1 than in highest levels beside the main problem there will be economic problems when this cards are available for sell:

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