Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge! Counterspell!


RULESET: Counterspell


All units receive the magic reflect ability at the start of the battle. Enemy units that attack with magic receive damage back.

Damage returned is equal to the damage of the attacker divided by 2, rounded up.
Magic units with the reflection shield ability do not take damage from reflected magic attacks.
The amplify ability increases damage.

Strategy for Counterspell Ruleset:

The most commons strategy for Counterspell ruleset is just don´t play magic and expect the same from you opponent, try to counter Melee and range attacks a tank with Shield ability will be a great choice most of the times, Amplify is always good on this ruleset and a lot more if you are using Thorns or/and Return Fire, however you can always surprise your opponent and go with Magic attacks and take down easily his tank with Shield, you should use magic attackers with high health or with Void ability to reduce the reflection damage or with Reflection Shield to negate it, a summoner that provided Void to all units can help with that.

My Battle:

Battle Link: Click Here to see the full Battle.

Others Rulesets and battle Conditions:

Briar Patch: All Monsters have the Thorns ability.

Fog of War: Monsters lose the Sneak, Snipe and Opportunity abilities.

Mana Cap: 59.

Splinters Allowed: fire, Water, Earth, Death.

About this Battle:

This rules combination mostly leave us with archers as the best option, unfortunately I didn´t have the best tools at the time of this battle I had to use my SoulBound summoner and play Edith Emberstar as a Gladiator, with the hope to get some kills with her and build some damage with the Bloodlust ability, chose Djinn Oshannus since he had Void the Reflection damage is not going to be a big problem for him and pick some of the most expensive archers I had available because the mana cap for the battle is very high, my opponent had a level 5 Kelya, he pick some similar units but with Kelya become pretty obvious the outcome.

My Team:

Round 2:

Round 3:

Round 5:

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