Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge! Wands Out!


RULESET: Wands Out


Only units with magic attacks may be used.

General Strategy for Wands Out Rulesets.

Use Magic monsters with anti-magic abilities to counter the opponent magic attacks like Silence, Phase, Void, Void Armor, Magic Reflect and if you are using this last one you can use Amplify to increases the damage return And use a summoner that have one of this abilities, Boost your magic attacks or reduce the opponent ones. A combination of silence and void can reduce the damage close to 0 or 0, you can also add a healing ability to become untouchable and try to counter the opponent thinking that he also will try to reduce your damage to 0, for example you can use others abilities like Poison to still be able to damage you opponent in any case.

My Battle:

Battle Link: Click here to check the full Battle.

Others Rulesets and battle Conditions:

Little League: Only monsters and summoners that cost 4 mana or less may be used in battle.

Mana Cap: 49

Splinters Allowed: Death, Earth, Dragon, Water.

About this battle

Here I want to show how much stronger is Thaddaeus over Obsidian, he not only counter her by taking away the bonus damage but also reduce health of the opponent units you can argue that there is not much advantage because Earth have more magic monsters to chose but on Little League Ruleset there is not too much difference and the minus Health is a lot more effective against small creatures, I normally like to rent a level 4 Elven Mystic it greatly increases your win rate for the only magic battles and here it may save me together with Djinn Biljka that have Void ability I would reduce my opponents damage to 0 the only way he could damage me is with Benari Bonesmith that have poison, But unfortunately didn´t rent it at that time.

My Team:


My opponent Team:

Round 2 and Final

As expected it was a slaughter, complete one sided match that end in 2 rounds.

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