Battle Mage Secrets! Armored Up!


RULESET: Armored Up


All units get a +2 armor buff at the beginning of the game.

General Strategy for Armored Up Ruleset:

Make well use of anti-armor abilities, they will help a lot here: the best one is Rust, it will negate the ruleset for your opponent, Shatter or Piercing can help too, or just ignore the ruleset going full magic damage, this can be countered by Void Armor though, you should always use some pro-armor abilities to use the ruleset in your favor, Like Repair, Void Armor, resurrection if you are going heavy on some of this abilities make sure to add more armor beside the ruleset like Protect, a summoner that give armor or just units that have armor in case your opponent use rust.

My Battle:

Battle Link: Click Here to see the Full Battle.

Others Rulesets and battle Conditions:

Aim True: Attacks always hit their targets.

Tis but Scratches: All monsters have the Cripple ability.

Mana Cap: 55.

Splinters Allowed: Death, Water, Fire.

About this Battle:

On this Battle I decided to go heavy with melee damage, using Tarsa as a summoner that boost my melee units, use as well Rust to remove their armor coming from the ruleset, Unfortunately my opponent was using kelya giving extra armor to their units, I use some low speed powerful units since there is the Aim True ruleset a Taunt with not attack with a Weapons Training unit to give attack to it, Funny thing about this battle is that almost everything is gold, my opponent use a full gold team, and I had almost all gold except for my last 2 units, also even if this was a Wild Battle the only Wild card used here is my Golden Sand Worm.

Round 2

Round 3

Round 4 and Final

Splinterlands is an Auto-battler game where all card are NFT, you can own them and sell them when ever you want or rent them, you will earn SPS each time you win a battle and you can change it for USD if you want, it is a fun game with a playtoearn aspect that greatly increases the fun.
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