Achievements with Rewards for Splinterlands

Achievements was planned several years ago, we had this on our profiles telling us that they are coming soon.

Not sure if they got cancelled, delay or something else but they was planned and is something that any game need.

Why they are important: They give a sense of progression in the game make you feel that you are going somewhere not just running in circles.

They could be permanent or seasonal or better both.

Permanents: Are big ones that can take you weeks or even months to complete, normally when you complete one you unlock one bigger of a similar type. Beside playing the game you could past small times a day checking this achievements thinking, planning what are you going to complete next, feeling good for your progression, having some attach to your account and been less likely to sell out and leave the game.

Seasonal: Short ones with a limited time to complete them, when the time has finish they renew or new ones appears for the next season. They make you want to play every day to complete the most of them before you run out of time.

*Before they could be abused by Bots but now with the limited daily energy we had, I think we can be in similar conditions as long as buying energy not become profitable.

Examples of Achievements:

-Killing enemy monsters in ranked.

-Dealing certain amount of damage in ranked.

-Rent certain amount of cards of certain levels: Rent 3 level 3 legendary(not the same one) once is complete you unlock a bigger similar one, same for epics and others cards with higher numbers and different levels.

-Owned certain amount of cards of certain levels.

-Using certain cards in ranked with certain abilities: similar to quests but a lot longer to complete and you don't need to win the match making it less annoying to lose as you at least are completing your achievements, making every game rewarding.

*As you see on the examples the achievements are not just for players fun it also encourage renting, ownership, playing more(spend on energy). I'm sure the team can come with better examples to improve the players experience, economy and more.


*Well right now rewards must to be something not tradeable, like:
Complete Souldbound Cards: definitely need a dragon summoner between this cards so you are able to play your level up cards that you earn from achievements, this summoner probably should be pretty weak to encourage players to buy their own summoners.

No Tradeable token that can buy some assets of the game like Gladiators or we can use the DAO to buy some of the assets that need more help like (right now) Chaos Legion cards and packs and making a shop with this products for the new no-tradeable token earning for the achievements. This also will help to increases the low price of this assets in troubles in this example chaos legion, as you make a flip but better since it also is reducing the amount of them from the market and to help them even more once you buy one of this assets with this no-tradeable token they become souldbound to your account.

Others ideas to help splinterlands I had recently:

Give Riftwatchers packs on rewards chests: greatly increasing the value of Daily rewards while reducing the amount of rift packs encourage people to buy more:

Voucher-shop: We need something permanently or seasonal limited to spend our vouchers so they can rise, if vouchers rise SPS will as well:

Minimum amount of commune cards in Champion, Diamond and Golden should not be 1:

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