Losing a Battle When I Wasn't Even Playing??

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Ok, this is too weird. I noticed problems earlier trying to play. Five out of nine battles in a 40 minute period timed out and said I was too late to create a team even though I had submitted teams in plenty of time. I know there's a lot going on with the app right now with all the great things that are happening so I just decided it was a bad time to play and went away for a few hours.

When I tried again recently the first battle I lost fair and square. The next two both timed out, but this time I was declared the winner, so I feel my opponent's pain because the same thing that happened to me, had happened to them. The next two battle played correctly and I was able to complete my quest for the day.

I claimed my quest and went to my cards inventory to assimilate my new cards. When I went back to battles, to my surprise I saw I had just lost another fight - which I had not even entered into. Now THAT is scary. I lost 26 rating points on that fake battle. I lose rating points easily enough on my own without them just being given away. It's frustrating enough to start a battle with someone, chose your team, then get told you were timed out and lose the battle. But not to have even STARTED a battle on my end - and end up a loser?

I hope that was just an anomaly and doesn't happen again - has anyone else experienced this?

I'm really happy to be a part of the Splinterlands world and I love all the new innovations that the team has worked so hard for. I've been claiming my SPS as it's dropped and have allocated it all to Staking. That was a really smart move on the team's behalf to make it so easy to go right to the staking operation. I hate to see the mad rush to sell off air-dropped SPS, bringing the value down so quickly. I'm in it for the long haul myself.

Keep up the good work Splinterlands team!

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