Splinterlands will replace hearthstone soon. . .


This is real post not ad. I used to play hearthstone and loved the game but hated how the system was just for them to make money and not give back to the player. The idea of a trading card game "online" or off is have it be so you can collect the cards and trade them with friends. Over the years the cards would become more valuable due to the low supply left. Blizzard made it a money funnel that always led back to them.

A new Blockchain based trading card game Splinterlands was invented to solve these issues and give players the two things that really matter:

  1. Players own their cards through blockchain and can now sell them on the open market. It is one time payment of $10 which is more like a donation, because after that the game is basically free to play.The payment buys the summoner spell book a ONE TIME $10 charge used to seed tournaments, build infrastructure, and higher devs, and last to deter bots, and to expand on the code.

Example - I played for 6 hours and open my first couple free card packs and opened a $20 card. I put it on the online auction house and received that cash in form of crypto currency in a matter of minutes. I then traded that to a stable coin and cashed out USD. A very fun experience and to be able to play this before anyone and build an account that is going to slowly become worth even more over the years makes me happy and excited to see what the future holds.

  1. The cards have a set finite limit meaning only so many are created in existence so if only 200 - 500 of a certain card was created and you own a good portion of them now. Wait until the tournaments start and everyone wants to play this game. There won't be enough cards to go around. That will drive the scarcity up and with that the price of the cards. Don't take my word for it but there're cards on here that worth over $100,000 on here. What are you waiting for? Lets finally get paid to play what we like and rewarded for our dedication over the years and make a good buck or two.

If you have any questions about how to play or anything please ask this is a wonderful experience and I want everyone to enjoy as well. You can play from PC or PHONE as well. Use my link for in game bonuses and I will even send you free stuff worth money cause I am doing very well.

I also will attach a photo to one of the $20 card I got out of a free pack. Happy playing and the early access!

Enjoy the future everyone!


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