Thinking about how to make a great guild

A level 10 guild holds 30 people.

It also gives each member a 20% DEC bonus and a 10% discount off packs and potions. Those are fairly large perks. In order to get to that lofty goal, there needs to be 2,720,000 DEC contributed to that guild. 10,000 DEC to open the guild, and then 2,710,000 DEC to level it up, including a final push of 1,000,000 DEC to get it up to level 10.

What does it mean to hold a seat in a level 10 guild?

If you are sitting in a level 10 guild, then you are gaining maximum benefit for your 'work' playing this game. A 20% DEC bonus is big!!!

At diamond / champion level play, depending on the match and the cards that I play, I can earn around 60 - 100+ DEC per match. On any given day, I might play 10 - 30 matches and win 51% of those (yup... I am THAT good). For easy math, let's just say I win 10 matches a day at 100 DEC... or 1000 DEC / day. With the 20% bonus... we are now looking at 120 DEC a day.

Over the course of a year... that would be 7,300 DEC. Not bad!

Over the course of the year, I may also spend $250 / month on booster packs and potions. A 10% discount would yield me 10% more goods! For me, spending $3000 / year on booster packs (it's an investment!!!), holding a seat in a level 10 guild would give me $300 worth of extra goods. That is 110 booster packs with full potion treatment people!!!

Opening a discussion...

Since I started the 'Archmage Arius' Disciples' guild, we have had some fun. It has been run pretty wild west setup. Show up, reap the rewards... if you really don't contribute or play... you get booted. We have a decent guild starting to build and we are hovering around the #25 spot in rank. Not too shabby.

I realize now, at a level 6 guild hall, and looking at the some 200,000+ DEC that is yet to be contributed and the 2.25 million DEC required to take it up to level 10 that we have a long way to go and a lot of benefits to obtain from getting there.

With a full 30 members, it would cost just over 90,000 DEC for each member to get there. We only have 21 at level 6 and we should start to think about creating a sustainable growth structure NOW so that there are no hard feelings later when our guild looks far more attractive to potential members.

I can see it now very clearly. The level 10 guilds all have a whale or 2 or 5 that just threw down to get the benefits and some lucky people (or their friends) got to join the party. For working class guilds, such as this one, we do not have that luxury.

I was looking at 'Contest Kings' guild, and they have a pay structure and a guaranteed seat in the guild once those payment requirements have been met. I like this and I think in order to push us up to the next few levels we should start looking to implement a structure like this in order to ensure people know what they are getting into before they dump some DEC in.

A few options for guilds that want to build.

  1. At level 6 (when the struggle gets real), with 21 members... every member would need to put in 128000 (total) to get the guild hall up to level 10. That is a lot of DEC. What benefits could obtained from that are that there are now 9 open seats that would be quite valuable and could be held open until someone who knows the score is willing to join in and pay their way in. Each member would all get a share of close to a million DEC refunded 21 ways once the guild fills up. If we hit bull run territory a seat in a level 10 guild will be sought after and paid for.

  2. Keep on flying by the seat of your pants and every few months the house gets cleaned and it may be you that loses their seat. I don't like being the bully and I also don't like seeing many pay a lot and many obtain the same benefits for next to nothing. Structure may make all of that easier to maintain.

  3. We create a tiered system where leaders / co-leaders create the pace, officers try to match that by 50%, senior members 25% and we open up spots to people who want to join a guild that has a plan. When we hit level 10, the highest tier donators will be able to have a say in what the empty seats will cost etc. The lowest tier donators know the score and know that a seat in a guild as the guild rank rises becomes more and more in demand and that they may be the next one to go.

  4. We all read this article, join the discord chat ( the link is in the tavern) and we talk about it... This game is meant to be fun and not everyone has a ton of money to put into this (myself included), but things are always more fun when the prizes are bigger... and we are building up a guild that could be top 10 in the coming year with the right structure.

I think at this point in time... we need to have the conversation. What are our goals... how do we get there? What needs to be met for a seat to be 'guaranteed'? Should members that don't want to be in on a build get compensated?

There is lots to think about... but put most of your focus on the 20% DEC bonus and 10% shop discount.


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