How Do You See The Potential of The Splinterlands?

Hi guys, hope you are all doing fine.

There are many players who love to play game, splinterlands. Some of them are playing just for fun, some of them are playing for making money. And also there are investors who buy cards and lands to put a long term investing plan. What is your purpose on Splinterlands? Please share comment.

I checked the 24H Volume of the card sales and card rentals. Yes market is not good and card prices decreased too much. But in any case 24H volume is not satisfying.

Volume of daily card rentals is under 7000 USD which is too low for such a game.

Volume of daily card sales is more or less 50000 USD which is not good too.

So I want to ask to people who is playing for making money. What do you think? Is it possible to make money from this game considering the daily volumes?

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