12.13.17 - Snow Sprites + Update


Wow time flies, and things have changed so much since my last update!

The holon had a beautiful snow over the weekend. I seeded my wish for snow into the matrix (I posted a snow song on FB with a strong call for snow and all the beautiful, purifying joy it brings, and despite the forecast calling for half an inch, we ended up getting several!! Thick blanket of snow, the roads cleared up quickly and there were no long term power outages so that's about as good as it gets!)

I took several pictures as my family took a walk Friday evening, and was surprised to see the little green light being in a couple of pictures (no flash used either, so it wasn't light reflecting on snow!) I did not sense any weird presences at the time...the impression I get is "curious observer" :)


Though the karmic work I've been immersed in over the past month or so was very abstract, I put enough together that the healing process started, since the more important thing was the healing work vs. getting caught up in potential futures.

Interestingly enough - a couple of people have recently written very specific things relating to the work I did... which is not in any way me tooting my own horn or saying that they are not doing their own work, but it is just external validation that this work is in fact holographic and one person unlocking their records helps other people unlock theirs. It's nothing more than programs.



I've heard varying information about how long it takes to actually rewrite neuropathways & integrate habits, but 3 weeks to 28 days seems to be the consensus. The guidance I was given was to learn to DEEPLY work with the energies/tones/language of light energies that I am recovering and embodying. Therefore it seems pretty natural to spend the year's end in this sort of framework before I start up something new in 2018. We'll see how that goes!

To be honest it's hard to do it without distraction...being constantly bombarded with life events and incoming cosmic energies, but I'm doing my best to focus on being in those particular vibrations, interacting with the world in new ways, and expressing new creations in physicality. I signed up for Skillshare so hopefully I will be able to have some new art to share in the near future. (and this is very much me starting from scratch).

After working through all the weird ways I get triggered and have the old patterns active in my life - I had several instances back to back where I was very much "tested".... forced to interact with the very people who hold the most power over me and push my buttons the most. In a couple of the tests, I did great! In a couple of them, not so much...the old patterns very much took hold, but the difference was I was aware of backsliding in real time and I learned a lot.

Intending Absolute Command of my energy...it's like riding a bicycle I guess. It will get easier once I get the hang of it being a more natural state of being (vs holding "people pleasing" energy and bleeding it all out)

There's more to write about recent messages and things, but I'll save that for a later post. With this Steemit surge going on, I better start dividing my posts up and writing more frequently! :) Have a good day!

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