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PICK A CARD READING - What should You focus on now ? (New Moon Reading)

Hello ! In today's card reading we will see what it is, You should invest more of You time/energy into.
Today is a new moon, so this is especially good for that time, as New Moon represents a clean start.
Generally, it is a good time for cleansing and cleaning, so You could use that time for cleaning your space and cleansing it energetically.
It also gives us fresh energy to manifest new things into our life, so it's great to manifest, set your goals and make positive affirmations.

Regardless, this reading can be used at any time, it's timeless :)
If You don't know what a pick a card reading it is, it's esencially a card reading which is based on a card/pile of cards that You pick based on Your intuition.
Card reading is a message I will pass on for a colective, based on my interpretation of cards, it's a channeling of some kind :)
In my readings I focus more on current energy interpretation rather than predicting/fortune telling.

How to do it ? - Below You will see a picture of couple of card/piles. Intuitively pick a card/pile you're drown to. Personally, to do that I usually close my eyes, focus on my current state and the question or what I want to gain clarity on, Then I take 3 breaths and then open my eyes knowing that they will intuitively land on the card, and so on the message that resonates with me.
Personally it took me a couple of times to start doing it correctly but now I'm very good at it ! It's like exercising your intuition :)
It is a general, colective reading, so have that in mind while reading. Take what resonates and leave what doesn't.

Here is 5 cards, representing 5 groups. Choose one intuitively and move below to read the group You picked :)



Hello group number 1 ! I hope all of You are doing great :) Your main investment should be "Protection", but don't worry ! That doesn't mean there's any danger ahead ;p

This is a great time to take a look at what is clouding your vision those days and set boundries that will prevent it in future.
Reflect on things that are lately making You feel drained. It can be anything: feelings, thoughts, beliefs, lifestyle choices, outside influences (friends, family, social media, your current life situation), and list goes on. Make sure You will have a clear view on what and how is affecting You and take a direct action to change it.
Make sure You have a healthy lifestyle to prevent drainage in future, that Your space is clean so there is no stangacy haunting You (having a clean space really helps ! try declutering), that You distance Yourself from people that are affecting You negatively, from habits that affect You negatively on daily basis.
Distance Yourself from situations that negatively influence You, and from harmful beliefs or feelings. If lately You're feeling a lot of lack and desperacy about certain things including money, make sure You detach yourself from those things. Remind Yourself that there is abondance, and that it comes from within rather than from outside.
Try to see positives, look at things You appriciate and are grateful for in Your life.
If there's any situation in You life that You do not like at the moment, remeber that everything has an use, so think about how can Yo use this situation for Your benefit.

The best action You can take now is cleanse yourself from any influences and resrt mentally/emotionally. Set boundries and have a clean view on what You want to aim for at this moment. Be direct, decicive, and asertive. Un-bound yourself from anything holding You back or distracting You from being objective.


Hi group number 2 ! I hope life is treating You good :p Your main card is "Nature", which can mean many things !
Whatever is happening right now in Your life, let it be, and take it's own course. Have trust in whatever is happening right now.
If there's any conflicts, issues, troubles and You did what You could to resolve them, it's best to let it resolve itself.
It's imortant for You to connect back to the "source" (whatever it my mean to you) at this time. Make sure to distance yourself from the world and take some mindful breaths in. Do what energizes You :D music ? walks ? lots of sleep and rest ? Nice food ? going out ? shopping ! DO IT !
Also make sure to give yourself and your body a reset and try a more natural lifestyle those days. More time outside, fresh food, spending time in nature (less screen time), taking in some sunshine. Hell, maybe even try gardening !
When it comes to Your inner world though, You should definitely trust Your intuition at this time. Also try nourishing Your spiritual side (whatever it means for You) as it may be very beneficial for Your well being. Try spiritual practices, or self care rituals. Anything from cleaning your space, taking a lovely bath with flower petals, lighting a candle/incense to meditating on the sun/in nature, getting a massage, painting, crafting, watching spiritual videos. Sounds lovely, doesn't it ? Nourish yourself ♥️
I also sense that You could definitely take care of Your personal growth and look more into self development/new concepts/spirituality/studies, whatever you're intrested in ! I feel like whatever energy and mindset You might have right now is a great opportunity to learn, grow and change You inner world. As You enjoy the moment those days, get out of Your comfort zone and travel through concepts as well as places.
Explore your inner and outer world. A great opportunity to take a trip into nature or even nearest park.
It's an awesome time to do things that empower You and energize You, to break out of Your comfort zone and do things You were scared of or uncomfortable doing. Break through Your fears and explore with enjoyment !


Welcome group number 3 ! I hope all is alright for You 👌 Your main card is "Divine timing" ! Don't miss out on opportunities ! If anything is to happen, it gotta happen now ! Are You inspired to do something ? Do it now ! Wanna change something, break habits ? Do it now ! Wanted to start fresh for some time now ? Now is the time ! Any opportunities You're re-thinking ? Decide and go for it now or never. With New moon it's a perfect time to start a-new and start writting down your reality as You want it.
You don't know where to start ? Write it down ! Manifest ! How do You want things to look and turn out ? There's nothing that You can imagine that You cannot turn into reality :)
Now is the time to CREATE, to take action. To end and begin cycles. Any creative aspirations are especially welcomed ! It's also a great time to embrace a "feminine" energy (weather You're a man or woman), and that means being gentle and nourishing towards Yourself and what You're doing, that's why it's great time for creative activities. Also an amazing time to nourish Your manifestations.
Great time to nourish Your body, so anything like a nice bath, masage, fresh homemade meal will do You nothing but good. Mother Yourself.
Anything that You will nourish at this time witll grow bigger.
It may be a intense and overwhelming time for You, so if You're feeling very emotional, try to express it through creative/meditative activities (art, poetry, writting, journaling, listening to music, meditating,..) as it may help to bring you lots of clarity at confusing times.
At this time it is important to be decisive and go for what You want without overthinking it. It's not a time for hesistation. Go for what You want and put Your whole nourushment into it for best results. You can calm down a storm in Your life/head by creative activities.


Hi & Hello, group number 4 ! I hope all of You are feeling amazing ! You main card for this reading is "Dreams". This is a perfect time for You to create a vision of how You want Your life (or specific things) to look like.
Write it down, imagine it, manifest it. What are Your goals and dreams ?
It's important for You to know what You want and how You want it to manifest. Inspire Yourself, write down Your goals, Your plans, start saving up, meditate on best version of Yourself.
At the same time, reflect on which parts of Your life/habits/lifestyle don't match Your future visions and weed out everything that blocks that from happening. Make sure that You have fundations Your your dream to come into reality. Are You a good enviornment for Your "best self" ?
Remeber that in order to change things in Your life, You have to detach from old life and habits. That may requaire of You to let go of Your comfort zone, and do things that may scare You. But that's also the only way we can grow and change.

It may be hard for us to loose our stability, seemingily safety. Letting go of things we grew to feel comfortable around. Addictions, friends, family, enviornments, habits, insecurities, fears.
All of them may feel comfortable, but aren't always good for us. Don't hesitate to go for Your dreams just because of attachments holding You back.
It may be seemingly painful and hard to let go of some things, but it is necesary for further movement. A moment of harship may make your life way easier and enjoyable in a long run.
Hard changes must be made. Heal You traumas, fears and insecurities, especially. They may hold You back big time at the moment.
It is very adviced, that You focus on being independent and individual at the moment.
There may be a lot of codependency to certain things (can be anything, from people, beliefs to substances and habits) that need to be cut off in order for You to thrive. Attchaments and codependency may be hard to cut off, as I already said, but we NEED to be independent in order to create a free, fullfiling life for ourselves (have in mind, independency doesn't mean solitude nor not accepting support).
Get out of Your shell, changes are scary, but it's more scary to not change and not grow at all. You can do way better :)


Hello group number 5 ! I hope You're going amazing ! You main card is about "Truth". This is a big one ! Whatever Youre discovering and realizing at this time, is bringing You to a new cycle in Your life. Make sure that You are honest, authentic and direct in whatever is going on in Your life.
(wow, not I am curious honestly, Y'all are getting such strong cards about endings and new begennings, please let me know what is going on with you!)

Whatever is going on, remeber that as long as You are authentic with Yourself and others, this new cycle and phase in Your life is gonna bring sooner or later a lot of growth and abandance.

Some of You may be going through some kind of, more or less intense, ending
in Your life, and it is important to remeber at this time, that new can come only in a place of an old one. Whatever You're facing now, is here to bring something new.
Big changes tho ! Make sure You are emowered while at it. Move through Your fears, be brave.

Journaling and manifesting may be important at this time, but most importantly, let the truth in with acceptance. It's time to accept events and things we might have avoided for a while.
Remind Yourself that whatever is happening, doesn't define You.
All abandance is to be found inside of ourselves regardless of what is going on around us. A chance to create something big and valuable if You're brave enough, and if that change coming will be used properely.
Even if certain things may be lost, there is still a fundation to make them all over again, and very likely somehting even better than that !

Thank You all for reading ! Let me know in comments how this applied to You :)
This is my first card reading here and in written form ( I've usually posted them on YouTube in video form) so let me know if You would like me to make more of those here :D
xoxo ~ Ewa

#cardreading #spirituality #tarot #newmoon #moonritual #esoteric #channeling #energyreading #pickacardreading