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The purification of the whole [Story]


The atmosphere was scented like oranges and sandalwood. This aroma was spread by the presence of "The Whole" as it was called by those who were fully conscious of wanting to be one with him. The All was impartial, timeless, the space did not exist where his feet posed, and when he approached those who were on a different plane from him they felt how love became light in all the environments they inhabited.

Sometimes the All One would recite phrases from his spirit and many would give credit to the sacred books, such as that phrase that he spread through the chaos, which was much listened to by many but ignored its essence; those words said thus: "The truth is one, the wise speak of it with many names".

The All observed from his humble abode that humanity so lost, so empty and full of incurable distimes. I noticed how some of them added titles to others, saying I come from God, others said "my way is the best", others mockedly shouted to the east and to the west "my god kisses better than yours".

Watching humans caused him a deep wound, and that wound was not one of worry or melancholy but rather one of love, for he said to himself: "In ancient times there were no paths, those who had become one with me always walked the same path" - The human had invented religions and prohibitions, but they also invented laws, and to be accepted they filled their vices with ideals.

So the whole decided to descend, this time with an aspect of fear with bulging eyes and a spirit full of questions to test the soul of those who had not known the path of the inner path, the whole in its human aspect mocked him, until they made him poisoned. Leaving his earthly body, he returned to earth to be human again, this time in the form of a prince who left his family and wealth to teach humanity all that is indispensable to this world; the inner knowledge of his doctrine was known as he lived, decided to die under a tree, but humanity did not practice what he taught.

The Whole once again returned, but this time he was born in a manger persecuted by those esoteric ones who believed in dark prophecies, he survived all that and his doctrine remained the same since his first coming. He taught more love, and tolerance, humanity did not endure such weakness and crucified Him.

He continues to observe humanity, he does so with love, he knows that many are aware of their inner selves and of what they can become. The inner path is one of those that soothes the spirit, but above all it gives the perfect balance of this world to another.

The Whole gathered all its forces and decided to give itself to each human being, so that there is no racism, no difference in religions, much less differences between beings, so that each being that walks in the world is a Whole, is part of the Whole and is only one with himself and with those around him.

