Choosing the path that allows you to become the absolute best version of yourself isn’t always easy in the short term, but in the long run it rewards you with huge dividends. When you begin to realize how profoundly your everyday actions influence those people around you (and vice versa) it can begin to seem more like a moral obligation to be as smart, self-aware, and compassionate as you’re capable of.

You may not realize it but each one of us have great power. Each time you interact with someone you leave them with a subset of residual feelings. These feelings have the power to change the emotional state of that person. This interaction can be as complex as an hours-long conversation or as simple as a five second interaction with a cashier at a gas station. A very useful question to ask yourself is...

Are you leaving the people you interact with in a better or a worse state than before they met you?

For example, think about that last innocent mistake you made while behind the wheel in traffic. It could have been cutting someone else off who was in your blindspot, failing to use a turn signal, etc. We’ve all made those absentminded mistakes that have sparked a fit of road rage from another driver. Although you didn’t mean to cut them off (or whatever else it was you did) their beeping, yelling, and/or cursing probably ruined part of your day.

To make matters worse, this road rager’s temper tantrum will even start a chain reaction...if you let it.

You may decide to retaliate, escalating the situation further or it might make you treat someone else badly at a later point in the day. Not only is this is horrible for your own emotional and physical health but it has the potential to be bad for everyone else you come in contact with afterwards.

The important thing to remember is how we react to these kinds of situations is also very much a choice. Whenever we choose the path of retaliation to this kind of impulsive nonsense we perpetuate it. We also unwillingly give your power away to someone else. By doing so we allow complete strangers to hack our emotions and completely change our state of being.

One of the amazing side-effects of meditation is it allows us to become more introspective instead of just impulsively reacting to what unfolds in our environment. It’s a lot like installing virus protection software in your brain that offers us a layer of protection from these “hackers” who are trying to manipulate us for their own goals or amusement.

Meditation also provides us with another very valuable feature, a pause button. Once you become mindful, through the practice of meditation, you tend to not instinctively react to situations based on emotion. Instead you give yourself the cushion of a few seconds to analyze a situation before deciding how you're going to react. Sometimes a few seconds make a difference between just going about your day peacefully or making a mistake that could alter the course of your entire life.

Once you begin to see the world from this introspective angle you will see that a lot of things start to look different. Becoming conscious of your reactions will make you feel as though a thick fog has lifted, you’ll be able to see both yourself and the world around you in a more honest light.

You'll start to recognize your own deficiencies/weaknesses and will be able to begin to actively work on them. You’ll reclaim your personal power and this will set you on a path of self-directed evolution that will change your life more than you could possibly imagine.

This is how we change the world for the better, one person at a time. It all begins with us.


Find a quiet place that will be free from distractions. Sit upright in a comfortable chair with your eyes closed and concentrate on your breath for a count of breathe properly for meditation just remember,

  • Inhale through your nose for a count of five (sniff the flower),
  • hold the breath for a count of 5 (pause),
  • exhale from your mouth for a count of 7 (blow out the candle).

Now think about a situation you’ve experienced in the past where you’ve lost your temper and greatly regret it. Revisit that memory, with closed eyes. Imagine yourself reacting in a different and more positive way. Think about how much better of an outcome you would have experienced.

With closed eyes repeat the following affirmations three times each.

I will not give my power away.

I will not give my power away.

I will not give my power away.

I have the power to change my destiny.

I have the power to change my destiny.

I have the power to change my destiny.

I choose positivity over negativity, peace over chaos.

I choose positivity over negativity, peace over chaos.

I choose positivity over negativity, peace over chaos.

After you these affirmations it’s helpful to linger in the serenity for a few minutes -- focus on your happiness, health, and overall well-being.

Did you miss previous installments of the Mindful Moments Series? If so, you can find them here:

1 - Two Week Media Fast;
2 - Worry and Fear;
3 - Setting Boundaries, ;
4 - Self Care.;
5 - Listening To Understand;
6 - How You Do Anything Is How You Do Everything;
7 - You Are What You Think; and
8 - Law of Attraction

I wish you all a peaceful and healthy week!

In Gratitude,

~ Eric Vance Walton ~

*I am an American novelist, poet, traveler, and crypto-enthusiast. If you’ve enjoyed my work please sign up for my author newsletter at my website. Newsletter subscribers will receive exclusive updates and special offers and your information will never be sold or shared.

Alarm Clock Dawn, one of the first full length novels published on the blockchain, and the book that started it all for me can be found HERE. Or Click Here to read it for free on the Steemit blockchain

My meditation book, The Perfect Pause, is priced at $12.99 (paperback) and $4.99 (eBook). Buy the paperback and receive the eBook for free!

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