An experiences of mine with the unseen

Usually the stories I have are similar in some way to this story and is something I don't share alot and very few people (as in 5 people or less) who know me would have heard of these experiences up to the time I wrote this.

One of my first experiences happened about 16 years ago when I was staying at a friends house. I had been on the road for most of the day and had stopped to pick up a friend who lived in the same small town I was living in at the time The two of us stayed at a friends house the next town over because it was getting late and we were both too tired to really want to drive for much longer. What happens later on in the night was after everybody had gone to bed and was sleeping.

And before I say what happened next I should tell you that there is a staircase that goes down to the basement and if you turned around to where your back was facing is the back door that went outside. When you came in the house from the back door you had to go around the staircase and through the kitchen before you got to the rest of the house.

So back to what happened. After everybody went to sleep the friend I picked up got up in the middle of the night and went to the top of the stairs and said something and went back to bed. So now fast forward to the next morning my friend asked about who was living down in the basement because there was some kids playing and being loud. And when he told them to be quite he heard a grown lady tell them to be quite. We didn't really know what to say to him because nobody was staying in the basement. We told him that everybody staying in the house was on the main level.

Over the course of the next 8 months or so whenever I had gone to visit my friends at that house I always felt very uneasy about the basement and it got to the point where I felt so uncomfortable down there that I refused to go to the basement. What I experienced there in the basement is what a Clairsentient would experience. For instance I would have a sense of intense fear, a sense of someone looking at me, having the sense of someone standing right behind me and I would think if I moved I would bump into them. When I got to where I refused to go downstairs I would look down the stairs on my way out the back door and have the feeling someone was looking back at me and still have that sense of fear.

On some other days that I have been there I would have the neighbors dog over at the house and even the dog would look down the stairs from the back door and then would look at me and just whimper and wine like something was wrong. On a separate day with another neighbors dog, it had done the same thing as the other dog had done. That was when I knew I wasn't imagining things.

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