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Complacency in Spirituality

"We're all one and there is no death, but I still have to make rent?"

I feel like a chunk of the spiritual phrases have lodged themselves into my brain and made me less willing to change things in the physical.


Because they say "You can't change the world until you fix yourself."

The thing that I deal with the most in the case of anxiety, which I'm sure everyone does on an evermore regular basis, is money. Is food. Is gas. Is being honest with oneself in saying that there is an untold amount of bullshit that the world is pulling us towards.

And I feel that speaking out on such things is either taboo, or "a sign of weakness", or whatever bullshit to quiet down the flame of concern.

A system where the tech, and those that own the tech, rules the world.

The thing with the spiritual community is that it takes advantage of everyone's confusion as to what this game on earth is. It tells us to yes, clear the mind, raise the vibes.

But it also breeds complacency.

"Now that you know that you are light, and that everything is one with you, the reality around you is subject to you."

And... -ugh

The world is getting taken over by robots, and nobody is slowing down the train. Social media is turning into a weapon that I'm sure will become much worse with the tag of money being placed on it. The internet is getting more and more restricted via the top companies monopolizing the computing and storage power.

While the rest of the world does their jobs and the people of my generation go to school, the curtains close evermore. The matrix tightens its grasp. I myself have been seeing this.

Want to make friends? Join meetup, you'll probably have to pay for it.
Want to go out into nature? Get the cash ready because the parks charge you.

And I say time and time again that the money system is fundamentally broken, and no amount of spirituality will "manifest" it away without physical action.

The robotic algorithms are swaying our perceptions here as long as we use the internet. As long as we're on social media. As long as we use it to look for a job. Look for events. Look for anyone to talk to.

And I know... what the hell do we do? I personally can't trust the people in my neighborhood let alone people on the web that are most likely trying to make money too. The only thing on the streets right now are scams and drugs.

And the spiritual community seems to simply evade themselves from talking about these issues. This is why I created a new community, because the one I was a part of, doesn't allow even mentioning "Trump." It's like they turned into Twitter.

I hardly want to use the internet for this sort of change because I know it takes the power away, relying on "likes" for my financial survival.

The Spiritual community -- we know you feel more at peace, but is it just about meditation and your own personal vibration? Because eventually it won't matter about your high vibes if you can't pay your bills? If they send us to war?

Perhaps it's time for "Spiritual Activism." Start the new paradigm before this one ends us.
